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I have been trying to figure out why my fluids won't place down from my bucket items that I have created

public abstract class MilkChocolateFluid extends FlowingFluid {
    public Fluid getFlowingFluid() {
        return ModFluids.flowingmilkchocolate;

    public Fluid getStillFluid() {
        return ModFluids.milkchocolatefluid;

    protected boolean canSourcesMultiply() {
        return false;

    protected void beforeReplacingBlock(IWorld worldIn, BlockPos pos, BlockState state) {

    protected int getSlopeFindDistance(IWorldReader worldIn) {
        return 4;

    protected int getLevelDecreasePerBlock(IWorldReader worldIn) {
        return 3;

     public BucketItem getFilledBucket() {
         return ModItems.MILK_CHOCOLATE_BUCKET.get();

    protected boolean canDisplace(FluidState fluidState, IBlockReader blockReader, BlockPos pos, Fluid fluid, Direction direction) {
        return direction == Direction.DOWN && !fluid.isIn((ITag<Fluid>) ModFluids.milkchocolatefluid);

    public int getTickRate(IWorldReader p_205569_1_) {
        return 20;

    protected float getExplosionResistance() {
        return 100.0F;

    protected BlockState getBlockState(FluidState state) {
        return ModBlocks.CHOCOLATE_FLUID_BLOCK.get().getDefaultState().with(FlowingFluidBlock.LEVEL, Integer.valueOf(getLevelFromState(state)));

    public boolean isEquivalentTo(Fluid fluidIn) {
        return fluidIn == ModFluids.milkchocolatefluid || fluidIn == ModFluids.flowingmilkchocolate;
    public static class Flowing extends ChocolateFluid {

        protected void fillStateContainer(StateContainer.Builder<Fluid, FluidState> builder) {

        public BucketItem getFilledBucket() {
            return null;

        public boolean isSource(FluidState state) {
            return false;

        public int getLevel(FluidState state) {
            return state.get(ChocolateFluid.LEVEL_1_8);

    public static class Source extends ChocolateFluid {

        public BucketItem getFilledBucket() {
            return ModItems.MILK_CHOCOLATE_BUCKET.get();

        public boolean isSource(FluidState state) {
            return true;

        public int getLevel(FluidState state) {
            return 8;


Just in case I'll also put down my Bucket Item code

public static RegistryObject<BucketItem> CHOCOLATE_BUCKET = ITEMS.register("chocolate_bucket", () ->
            new BucketItem( () -> ModFluids.chocolatefluid, new Item.Properties().group(ChocolateItemGroup.CHOCOLATE_ITEM_GROUP)

It registers into the game, is there something I'm missing to connect the two?

Posted (edited)
14 hours ago, diesieben07 said:

These are not the same. Elaborate?



You should probably use ForgeFlowingFluid and you need to also have an actual block for your fluid, so it can be placed.

Oops I showed the wrong code, I have two fluids 

public static RegistryObject<BucketItem> CHOCOLATE_BUCKET = ITEMS.register("chocolate_bucket", () ->
            new BucketItem( () -> ModFluids.chocolatefluid, new Item.Properties().group(ChocolateItemGroup.CHOCOLATE_ITEM_GROUP)
    public static RegistryObject<BucketItem> MILK_CHOCOLATE_BUCKET = ITEMS.register("milk_chocolate_bucket", () ->
            new BucketItem( () -> ModFluids.chocolatefluid, new Item.Properties().group(ChocolateItemGroup.CHOCOLATE_ITEM_GROUP)

And this is the code for my fluid blocks

 public static final RegistryObject<FlowingFluidBlock> CHOCOLATE_FLUID_BLOCK = BLOCKS.register("chocolate_fluid", () ->
            new FlowingFluidBlock(() -> ModFluids.chocolatefluid, AbstractBlock.Properties.create(Material.WATER).noDrops().doesNotBlockMovement())
    public static final RegistryObject<FlowingFluidBlock> MILK_CHOCOLATE_FLUID_BLOCK = BLOCKS.register("milk_chocolate_fluid", () ->
            new FlowingFluidBlock(() -> ModFluids.milkchocolatefluid, AbstractBlock.Properties.create(Material.WATER).noDrops().doesNotBlockMovement())

I'll comment out my current code and give ForgeFlowingFluid a try

Edit: The code used to register my fluids

public class ModFluids {

    //Deferred register calls the block
    public static final DeferredRegister<Fluid> FLUIDS = DeferredRegister.create(ForgeRegistries.FLUIDS, chocolate.MODID);

    //Attaches the deferred register to the event bus
    public static void init()

    public static final ChocolateFluid.Source chocolatefluid = null;
    public static final ChocolateFluid.Flowing flowingchocolatefluid = null;

    public static final MilkChocolateFluid.Source milkchocolatefluid = null;
    public static final MilkChocolateFluid.Flowing flowingmilkchocolate = null;


Also, I've tried using forgeflowingfluid and got the same result. I'm genuinely perplexed by this.

Edited by tal124

I believe my problem is with my registration of the fluids and not with the fluids themselves


public class ModFluids extends Fluids{

    //Deferred register calls the block
    public static final DeferredRegister<Fluid> FLUIDS = DeferredRegister.create(ForgeRegistries.FLUIDS, chocolate.MODID);

    //Attaches the deferred register to the event bus
    public static void init()

    public static final FlowingFluid FLOWINGCHOCOLATEFLUID = null;
    public static final FlowingFluid CHOCOLATEFLUID = null;
    public static final FlowingFluid FLOWINGMILKCHOCOLATEFLUID = null;
    public static final FlowingFluid MILKCHOCOLATEFLUID = null;

I thought doing this might be helpful,  and I've looked into the code for Water fluid registration but it uses deprecated code that I'm not sure what would be used in place for forge

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