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1.6.2 Forge Has Exception Error??


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================ Forge ModLoader Setup Start ===================
MCP Detected already, not downloading
Setting up MCP
Patching commands.py
patching file commands.py
    Commands patch applied successfully
Copying FML conf
Creating Repackaged data
    Creating re-packaged srg
    Creating re-packaged exc
    Creating re-packaged MCP patches
Backing up client
Download of 1.6.2.jar failed md5 check, deleting
Backing up server
Something failed verifying minecraft files, see log for details.
Decompile Exception: 1
Press any key to continue . . .


How the heck do I fix this? Please help, I have downloaded the latest JDK, set my environment variables AND restarted my computer several times...

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From what I can tell, this is because Mojang snuck in a ninja update before it fully released 1.6.2, changing the md5 checksum from what Forge believes it should be (the md5 checksum from the prerelease). If this is the problem, there's nothing we can really do about it until Forge updates, at least nothing I know how to do.


Don't quote me on that, by the way, that's just what I've gathered from the IRC channel.

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From what I can tell, this is because Mojang snuck in a ninja update before it fully released 1.6.2, changing the md5 checksum from what Forge believes it should be (the md5 checksum from the prerelease). If this is the problem, there's nothing we can really do about it until Forge updates, at least nothing I know how to do.


Don't quote me on that, by the way, that's just what I've gathered from the IRC channel.


well that sucks if this is the case :(

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From what I can tell, this is because Mojang snuck in a ninja update before it fully released 1.6.2, changing the md5 checksum from what Forge believes it should be (the md5 checksum from the prerelease). If this is the problem, there's nothing we can really do about it until Forge updates, at least nothing I know how to do.


Don't quote me on that, by the way, that's just what I've gathered from the IRC channel.


I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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