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I created my own goal, similar to the eat gras goal of the sheep. But my entity is a bit larger, so I used the entity.getLookVec(); to get the direction it is looking and multiplied by half of the width. But the entity always only picked one block, so I tracked everything and it seem that the look random goal only changes the looking of the Entity client side, but not server side. Am I right or am I doing something wrong. And is there a way to get it serverside? I tried the  entity.getLookController(), but this also didn't work. Anyone an Idea?

	public boolean shouldExecute() {
		if (eatTimer == 0 && entity.getIdleTime() > 100) {
			BlockPos pos = this.entity.getPosition();
			float width = this.entity.getWidth()/2;
			Vec3d look = this.entity.getLookVec();
			look = look.add(0, -look.y, 0);
			look = look.scale(width);
			pos = pos.add(round(look.x), 0, round(look.z));
			if (entity.world instanceof ServerWorld) {
				ServerWorld world = (ServerWorld) entity.world;
				for (int i = -1; i <= 1; i++) {
					if (blocks.contains(world.getBlockState(pos.add(0, i, 0)).getBlock())) {
						eatPos = pos.add(0, i, 0);
						eatWorld = world;
						entityPos = entity.getPosition();
						eatTimer = entityEatTime;
						return true;
		return false;

This is the should executemethode of the goal. The look-vector always stays the same, so the entity couldn't find the block to eat.


Maybe it was the hat and not the body or look vector from the LookRandomGoal. Now I used:

Vec3d look =Vec3d.fromPitchYaw((float) Math.PI/2, this.entity.getRotationYawHead());

and it worked. Thanks for help

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