On closer inspection, overriding Block#shouldSideBeRendered to return false won't affect an OBJ model as OBJModel.OBJBakedModel always returns an empty list from IBakedModel#getQuads when the EnumFacing isn't null.
Are you sure ClientProxy#preInit is being called? Set a breakpoint in it to make sure.
Set a breakpoint in OBJLoader#loadModel. Is it ever called for your pedestal model?
Please put your log inside a code block for better readability (the <> button in the editor)
Have you an Nvidia graphic card with the driver 378.49 WHQL ?
If yes, install this hotfix : https://nvidia.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/4378
1. In your call to setDefaultState, don't create a new BlockState instance, just call setDefaultState with blockState.withProperty(DIRECTION, EnumFacing.NORTH)
2. You should have @Override on your onBlockAdded method, if you did you'd see that you've got the signature wrong. It takes several additional parameters and returns the IBlockState to place in the world. Instead of calling setBlockState, you'd simply return the correct state.