I'm trying to revive this mod (Doggy Talents) that the author created about a year ago since everyone (including myself) has enjoyed it. The mod only got to 1.8.4 but stopped at that version, the author hasn't been on since. Since 1.8, many, many things in Minecraft as far as coding has changed (in addition to the fact that I haven't modded in nearly 3 years now), it's becoming a pain in the butt. So far I have gotten a good bit of the changes converted over becaused I compared the code with my previous works (Zero Quest, TetraCraft, and Cryogenic Library) however, there are still many problems I am encountering because of the major changes. I've complied up a list of current issues I'm having with updating the code, which is the following:
Can't find an alternative method for StatCollector, which Doggy Talents utilizes for collecting and translating string components to text
Adding Tile Entities to Blocks and the methods inside Tile Entities
Adding custom block boundaries
Getting the entity (i.e player) that is riding on another (i.e. horse) or entity (i.e. horse) that is being ridden on
There might be more I'm missing, but I spot more I'll add onto this list. Also, here is the source code to the forked repository