@Mod.EventHandler is only for FML lifecycle events that extend net.minecraftforge.fml.common.event.FMLEvent, e.g. FMLPreInitializationEvent or FMLServerStartedEvent and only works in your @Mod class.
@SubscribeEvent is used for gameplay events that extend net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.Event, e.g. PlayerInteractEvent.RightClickItem or TickEvent.ServerTickEvent.
Forge's documentation explains events in more detail here.
The ItemStack returned by PlayerInteractEvent#getItemStack will never be reference equal to an ItemStack you've just created, because they're not the same object (which is what the == operator checks). To compare ItemStacks, either get the Item, metadata, etc. and compare those or use the static equality methods in the ItemStack class. Since you're only checking the Item, use ItemStack#getItem to get the Item and check if it's equal to (==) Items.GLASS_BOTTLE.