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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/09/17 in all areas

  1. This is known, and I don't think there's anything wrong. In Forge 1.12-, the missing language warning has been quieted down.
    1 point
  2. https://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/datastorage/capabilities/ You need to copy them on PlayerCloneEvent.
    1 point
  3. it stll crashed here is my latest log latest.log
    1 point
  4. Registry name -> Blockstate(s) Blockstate -> Model(s) Model -> Texture(s) These are the only valid assumptions you can make. You can't jump from the registry name to a texture. You have to use the registry name (in combination with a StateMapper) to get the blockstate variants from the blockstate file(s). From there you can retrieve a model. Then you need to parse the model for a list of textures
    1 point
  5. Please upload it all to github and try to refresh your workspace and run game again
    1 point
  6. You must explicitly call GuiTextField::textboxKeyTyped to let your text fields handle the keyboard input. See how it is done in GuiCreateWorld for example.
    1 point
  7. If you aren't on the latest Forge version already, I'd recommend updating. The json system had a lot of issues when the first beta of Forge 1.12 released and still has a few. You might find that updating will fix your issue.
    1 point
  8. Your positioning is still of. Think about it - the coordinates you are giving to the text field/button are it's top left corner. If you say "Your position is at width / 2 - 200, height / 2 - 200 and your size is 200, 20" then you are going to see the box at [width / 2 - 200 => width / 2; height / 2 - 200 => height / 2 - 180]. When you are creating a text field at width / 2 + 200 it will go from that to width / 2 + 400. The one text field you are seing is most likely your question field, everything else is way up there or down there with their current y coordinates and some are way too offset to the right. As your buttons take positions from your text fields the same is true for them.
    1 point
  9. MC works the same way, that is how rendering in 2d works. The thing is - you are drawing your buttons first. the super call in the drawScreen method is what draws the buttons. That happens because a GuiButton can only have a y size of 20 at most. I do not see where you are setting your button's size above 20 in your class though, have you changed that? By that I ment to compare your button positioning with vanilla's. You are positioning your buttons based on the positioning of your text fields, and those are not really positioned all that well... they are positioned exactly in the way they are drawn. Some are positioned against the right boundry of the screen answerB = new GuiTextField(9, this.fontRenderer, this.width - 50, 200, 200, 20); answerD = new GuiTextField(11, this.fontRenderer, this.width - 50, this.height / 2 + 100, 200, 20); Some are positioned agains left top corner of the screen answerA = new GuiTextField(8, this.fontRenderer, 200, 200, 200, 20); And this one is positioned agains the left x boundry and the middle of the screen answerC = new GuiTextField(10, this.fontRenderer, 200, this.height / 2 + 100, 200, 20); If you want the buttons to anchor to the middle of the screen position them agains it. The center is [width / 2, height / 2]. width and height here are scaled width and height of the screen.
    1 point
  10. See how vanilla does it at any of it's guis with buttons, like GuiIngameMenu. A couple of issues I can see: question.drawTextBox(); answerA.drawTextBox(); answerB.drawTextBox(); answerC.drawTextBox(); answerD.drawTextBox(); In initGui? Drawing must happen each frame, not once the GUI is open and never again. You are adding to your list but are never clearing it. Minecraft won't clear your lists for you, so every time the GUI is resized you will put "logical duplicates" into the list. this.drawDefaultBackground(); this.mc.getTextureManager().bindTexture(BACKGROUND_TEXTURE); You need to do something with the texture you are binding(hint: draw it). You can't just bind it and expect it to be drawn. In your current call ordering everything you draw will be drawn over your buttons. Your saveCard method shrinks the size of the item stack... on the client. You can't do that as the server still has different data. You need to use custom packets. After doing that it proceeds to create a new item, write a bunch of stuff into it's NBT and... discards it completely.
    1 point
  11. "It hurts doctor. It hurts." Please define "doesn't work" in a manner that is actually troubleshootable.
    1 point
  12. My minecraft works fine. But if I try launching it with forge profile.... That happens. Please help :'( And no it doesn't give any log.
    1 point
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