Ok, you coded your mod. Now you need to compile it. I don't know accurate instructions, but know how to compile mod.
Open your build.gradle file with notepad or something like notepad to change version and name of your Mod. (You may not do this)
You can change this:
version = "1.0" //any version, e.g. " pre-alpha"
group= "com.yourname.modid" // Not necessary, e.g. "megacrafter.mods.mybestmodevar"
archivesBaseName = "modid" //Name of mod, e.g. "My Best Mod EVAR"
save build.gradle and exit
Run gradlew.bat with command build
In another words create bat-file if forge folder with
gradlew.bat build
and start it.
Congratulations! Your mod compiled and in build folder.
[spoiler=If you getting error while building on :deobf]
First run gradlew.bat with command cleancache --refresh-dependencies (Just edit your bat-file to "gradlew.bat cleancache --refresh-dependencies")
and paste this code to bottom of your build.gradle
reobf {deobfFile = new net.minecraftforge.gradle.delayed.DelayedFile(project, "build/tmp/deobfBinJar/deobfed.jar") }
If you getting error again reinstall forge acoording to my tutorial.
Good luck with coding.