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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/02/21 in all areas

  1. All of these methods are pointless, just call setRegistryName instead of calling a wrapper function that calls one line of code. https://github.com/eddie1101/PortalTest/blob/c26623c062770115212536c540219f7abda1091f/src/main/java/erg/voidcraft/common/util/Util.java#L12 All of the declared types of these can just be Block https://github.com/eddie1101/PortalTest/blob/c26623c062770115212536c540219f7abda1091f/src/main/java/erg/voidcraft/common/block/VoidcraftBlocks.java#L10-L14 Also, you haven't @ObjectHolder'd them, so you're not even using the thing you said you are in your thread title. You aren't registering any blocks or items, because you haven't registered your classes with the event bus: https://github.com/eddie1101/PortalTest/blob/c26623c062770115212536c540219f7abda1091f/src/main/java/erg/voidcraft/common/Voidcraft.java#L40 (You also aren't using the @EventBusSubscriber annotation) Or the @SubscribeEvent annotation: https://github.com/eddie1101/PortalTest/blob/master/src/main/java/erg/voidcraft/common/block/VoidcraftBlocks.java#L16
    1 point
  2. I used Curves to show the pixels with boosted values. Here's the histogram, you can see some tiny bars in the lower left. In pulling the anchor on the curves panel over I can make those values more apparent.
    1 point
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