As the error says, you can't change the block states for vanilla blocks.
Changing/re-registering vanilla registery objects is a bad way to do things anyway.
* You will cause all sorts of conflicts with other mods
* You will run into places where Mojang hard code things. A quick search of the 1.19.4 code finds 59 references to Blocks.GRASS_BLOCK alone (i.e. not your block)
You should rethink what you are trying achieve.
e.g. instead of trying to set a new "irradiated=true" property on the vanilla block, make your own "IrradiatedGrassBlock" and swap the block when it becomes irradiated.
Or another way would be to keep track of the radiation levels in a Chunk Capability:
* Don't post logs in the forum where they are difficult to search (especially when there is more than one on a thread), use a file upload site.
* Typically if you want help with your code, you need to post more than just a small snippet of it out-of-context, put your code on github where we can see everything that might be relevant.