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hiotewdew last won the day on January 7 2019

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  1. The "Biomes" class. In Eclipse, vanilla source is in Referenced Libraries -> forgeSrc-xx-xxx_mapped_snapshot_xxx.jar Not sure about IntelliJ
  2. It's also possible the examplemod is somehow included in the classpath. Check "Project and External Dependencies", your "run/mods" folder, and the build path (rclick project and external dependencies -> Build Path -> Configure Build Path... look for examplemod
  3. Try running "gradlew clean eclipse genEclipseRuns" and then refresh your gradle project (F5 when selecting project in package viewer)
  4. Global Loot Modifiers are likely the best method, but to show another method, you can actually use data combined with a bit of code to add loot tables fairly easily. Here's how I do it. Then you can just define a loot table connected to that RL with the same pool name and it's done.
  5. Is your pack.mcmeta present and on the correct pack version? These are the actual error lines: [14Aug2020 01:36:11.471] [Render thread/WARN] [net.minecraft.resources.ResourcePackInfo/]: Couldn't get pack info for: java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: D:\Mod Writing\forge-1.15.2-31.2.0-mdk\submechanica\build\resources\main\pack.mcmeta\pack.mcmeta [14Aug2020 01:36:11.548] [Render thread/WARN] [net.minecraft.resources.ResourcePackInfo/]: Couldn't get pack info for: java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: D:\Mod Writing\forge-1.15.2-31.2.0-mdk\submechanica\build\resources\main\pack.mcmeta\pack.mcmeta
  6. You'd want a tile entity with a UUID field that saves to NBT. Then, override onBlockPlacedBy in your Block class, get the tile entity, cast it to your TE type after an instanceof check, and set the uuid field to the provided player's UUID.
  7. Show the contents of the "bin" folder? It might be that eclipse is duplicating the examplemod from a sourceset somewhere.
  8. No it doesn't. The second you run that on a DEDICATED SERVER it will crash. As I just explained, you need to use DistExecutor or packets.
  9. Do not use Gradle 5.0, use 4.9
  10. Your code is going to crash if you run it on a multiplayer server because it loads client classes regardless of if it runs or not. You need to use packets or DistExecutor
  11. gradlew eclipse, F5 to refresh project
  12. no no, instead of creating a custom particle type and particle data that you never use, instead just use BasicParticleType. This is as simple as deleting your particle type and data and replacing ObisidianParticleType::new with () -> new BasicParticleType(false)
  13. Ah unfortunately all my Particle code is textured particles using the Sprite particle renderer. One thing I am a bit confused on is why you are registering particle data and have a custom Particle type class when you can simply use the default BasicParticleType
  14. Does it not? I've used the double supplier trick in a lot of code and it's all worked just fine on dedicated servers.
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