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Everything posted by ChampionAsh5357

  1. The version you are using is no longer supported on this forum. Please update to a modern version of Minecraft to receive support. Currently supported versions are 1.19.3 (Latest), 1.19.2, and 1.18.2 (LTS).
  2. Potentially? Though usually the vpn infers there's something wrong with the traffic between the two, so I don't know. You would need to verify that the network isn't the issue using a separate network before then.
  3. Ah, that's currently not supported, so most likely you would need to do that manually since I believe the Forge screen uses a literal component. You could bring that up as an issue on Forge, however, since that would be a good feature to have.
  4. They do not, you need to create a packet. Capabilities do not automatically do anything. Create your own. A capability is just like any other java object: if you do nothing with the data in it, nothing will happen.
  5. I mean, what values are your trying to reflect and when? If you want it done during build time, you can just use gradle during the processResources task to replace the values in the mods.toml for you.
  6. Currently throwing this over to the discord to see if they have any new ideas since I've run out. One of them suggested seeing if your Java version is out of date (e.g. at least latest Java 8 for the launcher, but recommended Java 17 since that's what 1.19.2 uses).
  7. Create an IItemDecorator and attach it for your item via RegisterItemDecorationsEvent on the mod bud if you want it on the item hud. On the tooltip, you can use RenderTooltipEvent$GatherComponents on the forge event bus to add your specific thing to the tooltip. If you want something custom to render for the tooltip, you can create a new ClientTooltipComponent and register it via RegisterClientTooltipComponentFactoriesEvent on the mod event bus.
  8. Hmm, your internet is either too slow for some reason or there is something wrong with the connection itself. For the connection, you can try disabling ipv6 traffic on your machine and see if that fixes anything.
  9. I believe it's now called `Minecraft#crosshairPickEntity`.
  10. Use a partial nbt ingredient. Then just specify the tag like any other potion tag.
  11. Please provide the entire debug.log from the logs folder in the game directory via a pastebin or gist. But a missing class likely means that a mod is missing (in this case probably AutoRegLib).
  12. Please show the buildscript in question (build.gradle and settings.gradle).
  13. The version you are using is no longer supported on this forum. Please update to a modern version of Minecraft to receive support. Currently supported versions are 1.19.3 (Latest), 1.19.2, and 1.18.2 (LTS).
  14. The version you are using is no longer supported on this forum. Please update to a modern version of Minecraft to receive support. Currently supported versions are 1.19.3 (Latest), 1.19.2, and 1.18.2 (LTS).
  15. I mean...it's kinda important since we don't support MCreator help, so it would be rude to not provide support and not tell you why. Because, as I said, there's no reason for you to directly touch the world folder itself. There are plenty of other systems that allows you to write/read arbitrary data without it. Apologies for the misunderstanding, but again, it doesn't matter the question if there is a better way to solve it or we don't support it.
  16. There are mods like oculus for shader stuff or rubidium for the performance enhancement. OptiFine is just generally incompatible with any mod that does rendering and everyone more or less has to take special consideration to it because of its stubbornness not to play nice.
  17. Typically the mods will say so itself. Then it could just be an issue with the mods after startup which might need to be reported to StorageNetwork if you can replicate this on a new world.
  18. To set the movement of the entity towards the direction of the passed in vector.
  19. You most likely need to download AutoRegLib and put it in your mods folder.
  20. It seems to be an incompatibility between JEI and StorageNetwork. You should try removing one of them or upgrading/downgrading one to a supported version of the other.
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