Forge Packets are wrapped in a Vanilla "Custom Payload" packet and we only support Forge/Forge and Forge/Vanilla connections.
If you're trying to make Java/Bedrock connections you're on your own with that mess.
Some zip managers like to take control of the .jar file extension away from Java.
Make sure you have Java installed and try running Jarfix once, then try the installer again.
This isn't something we can fix.
Apple changed their graphics API on M1 Macs and while it has been fixed, we need to wait for that fix to trickle down from GLFW to LWJGL to Mojang
Using Forge's installer won't install it for Curse unless you install it to Curse's own Minecraft installation.
If you want assistance with fixing the Curse version please reproduce the issue and provide launcher_log.txt from Curse's Minecraft installation.
Typically people getting the "Unable to access jarfile" message are in the wrong directory.