ItemSlab isn't a Block, so no, this isn't going to work.
blockHalfboneslab = new blockSlab(blockHalfboneslab);
You should also get a compiler warning from that kind of stuff. Guess why ?
You need to use
GameRegistry.registerBlock(block, itemClass, name);
or equivalent.
double totalEncumberance = playerWeightValues.encumberance + playerWeightValues.armour;
That is the line crashing in the github issue latest report.
The only explanation for your crash is
playerWeightValues = null
Thus you are missing a check against that.
That is an AIOOB.
You want to check if your sapling block accepts damage values, as the item dropped from the leaves has metadata=4 in your crash report.
You mean, before the world or any entity is loaded ? That isn't possible.
As you said, each entity handles its own gravity. Meaning "gravity" only operates in game ticks.
You might be interested in the LivingFallEvent and LivingJumpEvent.
I kinda want to point out that Minecraft gravity isn't close to the Earth's.
Either "WildAnimals" or "PacketWildAnimals" use a client side only stuff without having the necessary @SideOnly annotation.
Check the respective imports.
You can also override
to bind a different texture before rendering.
LivingSpawnEvent event)
EntityPlayer player = (EntityPlayer)event.getPlayer();
if(event.entity == EntityCutstomMob && StorageLevel.getPlayer().GetMasterLevel() < 5)
You can't get a EntityPlayer instance from those event. They are for mobs.
Your entity check could be
We need the most recent version of your main class, if this isn't the one already.
If it is, the item and block initializing still needs to be put into FMLPreInit, that is how you get textures working.