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Everything posted by GotoLink

  1. Move the exclusion into the "processResources" body ?
  2. Don't use the setters after the initialization. Override the getters for your behavior. @Override public IIcon getIcon(ItemStack stack){ if(stack.hasTagCompound){ //etc. } return default; }
  3. In onDataPacket you call readFromNBT, but the "counted" List isn't emptied before adding. It will pile up each time the packet is sent. Also please confirm your tileentity doesn't extend the TileEntityMobSpawner.
  4. Well, the biggest changes are: -blockID, itemID ("removed") -Sounds (to json based) -Network (to netty based) -Forge Event (moved to FML package) -FML interfaces (changed into FML events) Anyway, you'll still have to fix your 20.000+ errors yourself. You can ask for any specific issue on those forums, but not all of them at the same time.
  5. Did you check your *at.cfg file is in your built mod jar ? You also need your manifest file to point to your IFMLLoadingPlugin. jar { // Add Coremod Manifest manifest { attributes 'FMLCorePlugin': "loadingPlugin.classpath"//to be replaced by the correct classpath attributes 'FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod': true//If you want that too } }
  6. Learn to read.
  7. if (side == ForgeDirection.WEST) i--; master = worldObj.getBlock(i, j, k); int meta = worldObj.getBlockMetadata(i, j, k); worldObj.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord, meta, 3); markDirty(); worldObj.markBlockForUpdate(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord); worldObj.notifyBlocksOfNeighborChange(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord, master, side.ordinal()); How are "side" and "master" defined ? Don't you need a check before changing the "master" field ? The last two lines are unnecessary. You are already doing it with World#setBlockMetadataWithNotify(..., 3). Do you override markDirty() with something ?
  8. Your teleporter extend Teleporter (which is good), but you copied all its code (which is not good). Please, remove the useless checks. The last one ! *facepalm*
  9. We need to see your code.
  10. How/When do you send your packet then ?
  11. @ForgeSubscribe is for 1.6. @SubscribeEvent for 1.7. On 1.7, there are PlayerUseItemEvent events, and Item#getToolClasses(ItemStack).
  12. Dude, stop putting empty methods that do nothing.
  13. You can send NBT data, that is unlikely the issue here. What you should worry about is the map size you are trying to send over. The "counter" map should be kept under a maximum size. As sequituri said, you might have left some typo too: nbt.setInteger("countedsize", counted.size()); nbt.setInteger("countersize", counted.size()); Twice the same data under a different tag is unlikely to be what you want.
  14. When you register blocks and items through GameRegistry, the modid is automatically added to the name like: modid:datAwesomeBlock Unless you also choose a stupid modid (like "mymod" or "test"), you should be fine.
  15. Vanilla blocks have a maximum distance for interaction, usually defined in the TileEntity#isUseableByPlayer(EntityPlayer), by a 64 distance squared. You would have to either patch this with a coremod, or use a FakePlayer placed accordingly and pass the block information to the real player entity. Also, it is recommended to cache the block information locally, instead of fetching the world data on every line of code.
  16. You mean consume more than 1 from each stack ? You need to use ICraftingHandler (1.6.4) or ItemCraftedEvent (1.7.2).
  17. I recommend the process to start from fresh i commonly use: -gradlew clean -gradlew setupDevWorkspace --refresh-dependencies -gradlew eclipse/idea (depends on the IDE i am testing) -gradlew build Should work at all times.
  18. Make another instance of the block. Just using up one id space more in the world save isn't much. As for your issues, since you would save into the world nbt (which is organized per dimension), you wouldn't have to worry about removing it if the dimension is removed. Automatically goes with it.
  19. You can use String in the oredict recipes, like "oreCopper".
  20. GotoLink

    Item Ids

    Move the items initialization into the init() method.
  21. DamageSource#getSourceOfDamage ?
  22. Learn to read. int l = par2Random.nextInt(3) + this.minTreeHeight; Duh.
  23. GotoLink

    Item Ids

    You are not supposed to touch the IDs anymore. Best forget about that. If something is missing, that means you didn't registered it properly. (GameRegistry / FMLPreInit event)
  24. FurnaceRecipes.smelting().getSmeltingList() Works.
  25. else if(packet.channel.equals("useAbility")); This part ends with ";". Not good.
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