EntityItemPickupEvent for the player colliding.
I don't think EntityItem can be interacted with. (it doesn't override Entity#canBeCollidedWith)
You could use PlayerInteractEvent to simulate this.
I think it possible to cancel the mouse click when the crafting container is opened for the player.
The trickiest part would probably be to compute the mouse screen position and check against the result slot.
You can't prevent the recipe from being displayed without removing it entirely, though.
Three things:
-You are looking for stained_hardened_clay, i think.
-When generating custom biome specific things, do it in the biome decorating method.
-You don't need to create a new world generator in each iteration of a for loop.
The constructor is public but...isn't the idmap already "full" with blocks and items ?
I would use RegistryNamespaced rather than stepping on FML toes.
It doesn't look like you'd want to save it per world with internal numerical ids, so...using FML registry stuff is unnecessary.
I would say the "original code" stuff is a lot better.
if (oldNeola.getCanSpawnHere())
Did you override that method in EntityNeola ?
What is the parent class of EntityNeola and NeolaTameable ?
For some stupid reason, Minecraft auto register unnamed achievements for triggered stat, before you can register it.
In 1.6.4, get the achievement from the StatList using the id, if it is null, you can register it again, if not, pray it is the achievement you registered from a previous save and use the returned instance.
I am not sure the underscore is going to work...but the file path should be:
iirc, i used
public void onSoundLoad(SoundLoadEvent event)
Back in 1.6 days.
You do not need anything more than the forge download to begin in 1.7.2. There is even a dummy mod example to make sure you don't screw any important stuff while setting things down.
You should start with that, then getting the same environment in 1.6.4 will be a piece of cake. (using build 964, of course)
Sometimes UTF-8 derps for lang files. I recommend to leave blank lines at beginning and end of the file.
Note that KeyInputEvent only triggers when the key is first pressed. (no continuous press, or unpress)
Also, key presses are client-side only. You need packets to send the stuff to the server side.
For helmet overlay, please use the item hook.
Item#renderHelmetOverlay(ItemStack, EntityPlayer, ...)
Let's put it simply:
-You installed forge for both versions using the jar installer
-You have a profile, that you edit to use one forge version
-You have another profile (or you make one), that you edit to use the other forge version
Optionally, you edit each profile to point to a different game directory (tick GameDirectory box), to avoid any conflict.
That is all.