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Everything posted by GotoLink

  1. Well, there is only one Minecraft#renderViewEntity...did you move it to the other dimension or make another ?
  2. And you totally missed my point. Let me be as clear as i can: Modpacks=Bunch of mods=No added value compared to the mods themselves=Pointless Laucher/Installer/Patcher=Launch/Install/Patch=Added value=Not pointless (though the point can be dumb as you described) Their possible relationship is irrelevant.
  3. You cancelled the event so the chest container isn't open on server side. You'd need to use a IGuiHandler or GuiOpenEvent instead.
  4. In ContainerCrucible, you forgot to set "this.crucible.amountFilled" value in #detectAndSendChanges() and updating it in #addCraftingToCrafters(Icrafting)
  5. In 1.7, yes. In 1.6 they did the ID resolution for you, so you would have a good reason to use them. That is completely wrong. Modpacks never had that type of code. They never had any code at all. And if you think about config files, sharing those never required packing the mods with them...nor does it require uploading anything, since they are simple text files shareable with a single copy/paste on any forum. The idea itself of modpacks is purely pointless. Some people simply made it a trend for their own personal gain.
  6. Eclipse would pre-compile and tell you this stuff doesn't work. Archives are stuff that are too old to work in the present times. You realize you read a tutorial from an archive ? Go see the forge wiki.
  7. Dude modpacks are useless. Just install the mods. They should have updated to 1.7 by now. By the way, in 1.6.4, you could let Forge decide what id to use with Configuration#getBlock and Configuration#getItem.
  8. You should extend BlockSlab and override the stack method.
  9. You can store your village collection in your event handler.
  10. DataWatcher has limited number of values storable. See its constructor. IAdditionalSpawnData deals with data on spawn shared on both sides. It sends its own packet so you don't have to worry about it.
  11. Basic Java. Numbers are not valid names. There is no point in keeping unused parameters. You are also using setCreativeTab(...) twice. I recommend you extend ItemFood, and find the vanilla foods for practical example.
  12. You can change World#mapStorage values with world or chunk events. There is no need for a coremod in this case.
  13. Dude, you can't register a tile entity class more than once. Having it in this loop is pointless. Registering more than one block when you have a tileentity is also horribly redundant. Either register one block with its tileentity, or register your bunch of blocks with no tileentity. You also failed to understand that "KimptonCore.allLarge" can only contain one block instance, not all of the blocks you made.
  14. Look at what GameRegistry.registerTileEntity(Class, String) do.
  15. For changing the block model, you could suggest the forge team to add Block#setRenderId(int) to go with Block#getRenderId(). This way you'd use the setter on the blocks instances you want to change.
  16. That bug is from Forge. Your version is simply too old.
  17. There is no need to replace the pumpkin item to add a throwing action. Actually there is no need to replace any item for any reason. In your case, you could use an item Event (look on the wiki if you don't know about those), cancel the eating, and add the throw. You could also make a custom key handler to send packets to the server and throw the held stuff.
  18. https://github.com/MinecraftForge/ForgeGradle/issues/103
  19. super.breakBlock(world, x, y, z, par5, par6); That removes the tile entity. Call it after you are done.
  20. Don't use Minecraft class, use the given event instance.
  21. Check the FML github. IModGuiFactory was published 6 months ago. GuiConfig and ConfigChangedEvent are utilities, they are not needed for a configuration screen to work. I am not saying that new stuff is useless, it is some good work indeed. But you could have made your own gui instead of waiting.
  22. You could make a configuration GUI 4 months ago. The new code is utility stuff. Well it is never too late to start showing interest.
  23. Your method doesn't exist. Change to itemDropped with its correct signature.
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