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Everything posted by Cadiboo

  1. I’m pretty sure this isn’t the reason, let’s keep this polite
  2. Items are Singletons. There is only ever one of each
  3. Can you post your project as a GitHub repository?
  4. There’s a couple ways: 1) get the players skin texture and draw the face. (2D, requires a little basic rendering knowledge, best performance) 2) get the players skin texture and draw a cube. (3D, requires slightly more basic rendering knowledge, good performance) 3) make an ItemStack with a Skull with the players head and render it with the RenderItem. (3D, requires messing around with UUIDs I think, bad for performance) use method 1 in the renderOverlay event
  5. MCP is automatically downloaded and run with Forge (MDK), Modding without Forge (jar modding) has not been needed or supported since 1.2 (I think).
  6. It is possible but it’s absolutely painful and requires dealing with the raw bytecode of the method. It’s painful, a single wrong thing will instantly crash everything, you need to pretty much learn 2 new languages (ASM & Java Bytecode) and you will have no support from anywhere (online tutorials are also a bit non existent). It shouldn’t even be a last resort. If your using it, your doing something wrong. You should try submitting a PR to forge if you want hooks. It’s a slow process, but you will get a lot of feedback.
  7. Capabilities are a concept from Object Oriented Programming (like Objects and Interfaces). They allow for programming in the style “composition over inheritance”. Sorry for the badly worded answer, these articles explain it well. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Composition_over_inheritance https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Encapsulation_(computer_programming)
  8. Most models are created upside down because of how texture coordinates work. It’s easier for humans to create them upside down and then rotate them in the rendering. This is because texture coordinates (UV) have the V axis going down when pretty much every axis ever goes up. Here are a couple diagrams to illustrate this
  9. Do you understand the basic concepts of Object Oriented Programming? Do you understand basic java? Minecrafts code is badly and confusingly written and forge is complicated. You should have a good basic understanding of both before starting Modding. I’ve been programming for a few years and decided to learn java through modding and it was pretty (very) hard to just jump in and learn the basics, not to mention all the special stuff and intricacies of modding. It’s possible, but you need to be receptive and read a bunch of documentation and take baby steps.
  10. Show your rendering code please
  11. What do you mean by display their head on screen?
  12. EntityPlayerSinglePlayer... Hmm... I wonder https://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/concepts/sides/ you trying to access client side only classes which don’t exist on the server from the server
  13. I was told that the @ObjectHolder annotation is going away in 1.13 due to Java’s internal reflection being changed from Java 8 to Java 9. I understand how this breaks a lot of code, but I don’t see how it makes it impossible to have the annotation. I think that the annotation is vital so that mods can override other mods items and blocks easily. It also provides support for adding and removing mods without restarting the game. Edit: I’ve seen this post, and I understand how fields with objectholder might not be allowed to be final, but I don’t see why this would cause @ObjectHolder to be removed entirely.
  14. I don’t understand, I’ll make a new topic
  15. Don’t use IHasModel or anything like it. All items have models and it leads to you writing code over and over again when you could just solve the entire problem in 3 lines of code. for(Item item: ModItems) { ModelLoader.setCustomModelLocation(item, meta, model location); }
  16. You should have a basic grasp of java before making a mod. onBlockActivated(params...) { if(age==fully grown) { if (stack.getItem() == ModItems.BANANA_PICKER) { drops.add(new ItemStack(ModItems.BANANA)); } else { //tell player they need to use a banana picker } } }
  17. What version are you writing your recipes for? before 1.12 they’re called log and have metadata {”item”: “minecraft:log”, “data”: 1} in 1.13 they’re called <variant>_log
  18. Why won’t they be in 1.13? I think that they’re a great addition, and are vital due to their potential for adding & removing mods ingame
  19. is it @forge-bot? I just talked to it and if it is, you can't add mappings. @MrChoke You can add mappings by going to https://webchat.esper.net/ and typing in /join #mcpbot and then typing in !help
  20. Can you post your code as a GitHub repository? I've got some spare time & could clone & test your project myself
  21. Maybe look at the Taint from Thaumcraft?
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