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Everything posted by Cadiboo

  1. You can’t use your IDEs export jar functionality because Minecraft is obfuscated. As you’ve found out, you always have to use forge gradle’s build function.
  2. Don’t use IHasModel (or something similar I.e. ItemModelProvider). Nothing to do with model registration requires private/protected access. You can register all your models in 3 lines of code. Also don’t implement it on a Block. Also interface names should start with “I”. Did you try looking at the vanilla hay blockstate?
  3. It’s not recommended or supported to downgrade versions, and your trying to load it with Forge, I don’t think your going to have any luck. Why are you doing this though?
  4. Trigger it from you entities AI task Do your attack logic on the server, then call swingArm (or your own similar method) to fire the animation
  5. Its program arguments, it doesn't matter wether its Eclipse or IntelliJ. Heres a link for IntelliJ Run configurations though https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/creating-and-editing-run-debug-configurations.html
  6. Yeah thats the log I wanted, but its not the complete log. Also,
  7. Your trying to open a 1.13.1 (vanilla) map with 1.12.2 (Forge)?
  8. Is it just the flans mod weapons that aren’t working properly? Can you please post your logs as described in my signature (the text below each of my posts)
  9. Thats what I was suggesting The jetpack model doesn't have any moving parts, just 2 variants. Point taken though
  10. https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Recipe#JSON_format you need to add "data": metadata underneath "item": "minecraft:stone" and make sure your JSON is valid (add a , after minecraft:stone")
  11. I don't think that the jetpack model has many (if any) moving parts so you can just use the JSON in the armor model I believe.
  12. Are you using the correct blend factors?
  13. Define when they spawn. Every time they respawn? Every time they join the world? The first time they ever join the world? If it is the latter, make a capability that stores if the player has already gotten the item and subscribe to the onEntityJoinWorld event. In that event give the player the item and set the capability storing if they’ve gotten the item to true
  14. Something like if( state == Blocks.SAND.getDefaultState().withProperty( whateverPropertySandHasThatCausesItToBeRed, whateverValueMakesSandBeRed)) //I’m a red sand block!
  15. if(event.getState().getBlock() == Blocks.SAND.getStateFromMeta(1)) { Block != IBlockState. ever How do you know there are 2 items in the list. how do you even know that the list isnt empty? Static subscriber annotation but non-static subscriber methods?? why??
  16. Actually you may have a point, I think (I could be wrong) that 1.13 Forge is not going to do runtime deobfuscation so no more SRG names?
  17. I don't think you can easily change the color of a baked quad. The color for rendering quads is gotten by calling Minecraft.getMinecraft().getItemColors().colorMultiplier(stack, bakedquad.getTintIndex()); (colorMultiplier has been renamed to getColorFromItemstack) in RenderItem.func_191970_a (func_191970_a has been renamed to renderQuads). The only way that I can think of to recolour quads would be to modify this method or modify ItemColors to return a different color somehow. You can however really easily render baked quads with a different color as I showed in my previous post.
  18. Actually I think we skipped the important thing, it’s pretty much no trouble to port a mod between versions if your code is easily readable and understandable.
  19. The colour is a special integer. Try doing primeList = colorQuads(primeList, -0x445B75 | 0x1000000); I'm pretty sure you construct the colour integer something like this int colour = -(invertedRGBInteger) | 0x1000000 where invertedRGBInteger is a normal RGB colour integer except the colour scale is inverted (0x000000 is white not black). I think this is right, I’m going off my memory and this code that I wrote a while ago. I’ll go do some testing and post a more helpful answer Edit: I have no clue how the you use the color, I'm going to work backwards from ForgeHooksClient.putQuadColor which appears to be where the magic happens Edit: I'm stupid, the color includes alpha (the alpha value is either transparent or solid, no in-between) int colorRGBA = 0; colorRGBA |= 0x00 << 16;// r colorRGBA |= 0xFF << 8; // g colorRGBA |= 0x00 << 0; // b colorRGBA |= 0xFF << 24;// a renderQuadsColor(bufferbuilder, quads, colorRGBA);
  20. Did you register it?
  21. Look at log blocks
  22. Using Forge I believe that there’s a hook that you can subscribe to and do your logic
  23. Do you know java? You should make an entity that extends zombie and just overrides whatever makes it burn, and register it to the entity registry to override vanilla zombies
  24. Metadata has a maximum of 16 possible values. 100 > 16 so you can’t use metadata. Also I assume your machine will have horizontal facing (this uses up 4 values). You can use a tile entity for saving energy (saved in the world with NBT) and when you break it store the energy it the itemstacks nbt or attach an energy capability to it
  25. Sorry, I thought this was related to the wrapper, obviously mods break between versions because of that
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