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Everything posted by PulseBeat_02

  1. @Animefan8888 Changed them all to 0. Still purple and black.
  2. @Animefan8888 It looks like the sword texture is loading, but nothing else. Here's my updated code: ModItems.java: package pulsebeat_02.kingmammoth.init; import pulsebeat_02.kingmammoth.item.MammothCore; import pulsebeat_02.kingmammoth.item.MammothFur; import pulsebeat_02.kingmammoth.item.MammothSword; import pulsebeat_02.kingmammoth.item.armor.ItemKingMammothArmor; import pulsebeat_02.kingmammoth.item.crown.KingMammothCrown; import pulsebeat_02.kingmammoth.materials.KingMammothMaterials; import net.minecraft.inventory.EntityEquipmentSlot; import net.minecraft.item.Item.ToolMaterial; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry.ObjectHolder; import pulsebeat_02.kingmammoth.KingMammoth; @ObjectHolder(KingMammoth.MODID) public class ModItems { public static MammothSword mammoth_sword = new MammothSword(ToolMaterial.DIAMOND); public static ItemKingMammothArmor king_mammoth_boots = new ItemKingMammothArmor(KingMammothMaterials.mammoth_armor, EntityEquipmentSlot.FEET, "king_mammoth_boots"); public static ItemKingMammothArmor king_mammoth_leggings = new ItemKingMammothArmor(KingMammothMaterials.mammoth_armor, EntityEquipmentSlot.LEGS, "king_mammoth_leggings"); public static ItemKingMammothArmor king_mammoth_chestplate = new ItemKingMammothArmor(KingMammothMaterials.mammoth_armor, EntityEquipmentSlot.CHEST, "king_mammoth_chestplate"); public static KingMammothCrown king_mammoth_crown = new KingMammothCrown(KingMammothMaterials.crown_model_material, EntityEquipmentSlot.HEAD); public static MammothFur mammoth_fur = new MammothFur(); public static MammothCore mammoth_core = new MammothCore(); } ModelRegistrationHandler.java: package pulsebeat_02.kingmammoth.client; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.ModelResourceLocation; import net.minecraft.item.Item; import net.minecraftforge.client.event.ModelRegistryEvent; import net.minecraftforge.client.model.ModelLoader; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Mod.EventBusSubscriber; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent; import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.Side; import pulsebeat_02.kingmammoth.KingMammoth; import pulsebeat_02.kingmammoth.init.ModItems; @EventBusSubscriber(value = Side.CLIENT, modid = KingMammoth.MODID) public class ModelRegistrationHandler { @SubscribeEvent public static void registerModels(ModelRegistryEvent event) { registerModel(ModItems.mammoth_sword, 0); registerModel(ModItems.king_mammoth_boots, 1); registerModel(ModItems.king_mammoth_leggings, 2); registerModel(ModItems.king_mammoth_chestplate, 3); registerModel(ModItems.king_mammoth_crown, 4); registerModel(ModItems.mammoth_core, 5); registerModel(ModItems.mammoth_fur, 6); } private static void registerModel(Item item, int meta) { ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(item, meta, new ModelResourceLocation(item.getRegistryName(), "inventory")); } } Still the black and purple textures.
  3. Should the ModItems class contain all of my items and I should make a loop to register them in the registerModels?
  4. Ye, that's why I commented it out so it won't run. And by the way, this is what's showing up for me:
  5. @Draco18s latest.log
  6. Hi, I was programming my mod, and I encountered a problem with textures. Recently, I renamed one of the package declarations, and eclipse messed up my class files, deleting the main mod reference file and my event subscriber class. Before, the textures worked, but now, they are just purple and black. Here is my GitHub: https://github.com/PulseBeat02/King-Mammoth-Mod
  7. As in Forge 1.12.2, I believed that they changed the way how models are being loaded by a little bit, however, I am still a bit confused about how models get loaded. Suppose I have an IModel called "model", and I wanted to load it. To do this, I would use the "bake" method, which accepts IModelState, VertexFormat, and Function<ResourceLocation, TextureAtlasSprite>. I have a couple of questions about this: 1) What is an IModelState? How would I use it to bake this model? 2) I am using Attributes.DEFAULT_BAKED_FORMAT for my VertaxFormat. Is this suitable for a model like OBJ? 3) What is Function<ResourceLocation,TextureAtlasSprite>? Suppose I have a ResourceLocation with an obj model, how would I use that here?
  8. Nevermind found the error sorry.
  9. Hi, I was updating my modpack when I encountered an error while using the Twitch/Curse Forge Launcher. When I launch Minecraft Forge, the window that shows the mods being initialized, pre-initialized, post-initialized (and splash screen) isn't showing. After reading my log report: I found the error saying that it was unable to launch, due to a Null Invocation Target Exception error. Anyone know the issue here? Log Report: https://pastebin.com/ST3S5PtW Debug Report (Too Large for Pastebin): debug.zip
  10. Hi, I was wondering if Adfoc.us is safe. I head you can make some pretty good money from views and downloads for this site, but I also have heard that many people called this website a scam, because the company isn't paying for the links.
  11. Hi, I was coding my mod, when I noticed a big issue. I found that forge did not load my mod into the game, therefore not loading any of my mod's classes. I found this issue because when I press the mods button in the Minecraft Title Screen. I don't see my mod loaded in. Here is the log report: 2019-01-31-1.log Here is the debug log: debug.log Does anyone know the issue I am having here?
  12. @WesterlyClown Please read DaemonUmbra's Signature. Expand it and it should give another tab saying about logs.
  13. Hi, is there any way to import videos in a mod and play them in a GUI screen? I would like to implement this feature in my mod if possible. Could you also use the vlcj library to play the video? Thanks.
  14. Uh oh, there is something weird going on for me. world.isRemote is giving off an error even though the boolean is used correctly in an if statement, and it is saying that it can not be resolved. Is this normal?
  15. Does that mean I should delete the unused methods because they aren't in 1.12.2 anymore?
  16. @DavidM Sorry about bothering you. I'm new to java. I will take your information into consideration. Thanks for helping me a bit!
  17. Here is the new code after editing some: Gold_Mammoth Class: RenderTileEntityKingMammoth Class: TileEntityKingMammoth Class: Client Proxy Class:
  18. Not true, then why is the return TileEntityKingMammoth giving off an error and this part " super(Material.SNOW); setBlockTextureName(Reference.MOD_ID + ":" + name); setBlockBounds(0.25F, 0, 0.25F, 0.75F, 0.5F, 0.75F); setBlockName(name); GameRegistry.registerBlock(this, name);" giving off an error. (Everything else i get) Additionally, some of the methods are giving off errors even though they are correct. For example, I had to remove a couple @Override annotations to get rid of some erorrs.
  19. This is what I tried: Gold Mammoth OBJ Model Loader File: TileEntityRenderer Class: I made sure my class names, imports, were all correct, however, I wasn't able to load the model due to the significant amount of errors.
  20. Hi, I wanted to create a block from a .obj file and put it into Minecraft. I tried searching up on the internet about this, and I found some results, but they were for 1.8, 1.8.9, etc, and not for 1.12.2. If I use the code for 1.8, 1.8.9, etc, eclipse would give off a bunch of weird errors. I would like to have a detailed step - to - step explanation on how to do this. Thanks!
  21. Thanks Cadibo for the example. It was very helpful. I love it that you put the crash report name as “f*ck9minecraft”. Lol, but thanks for helping me.
  22. I don't know then. Please wait as a more experienced person takes over. Sorry that I couldn't help you.
  23. That requires editing settings in your router. Also, you should always leave the ip-address in the config file blank. It is not recommended to fill it in.
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