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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by Viper283

  1. you have to use the reobfuscate_srg.bat/sh. ifthat it not there, just add "--srgnames" at the end of the reobfuscate.bat/sh
  2. it may be a copy of forges version, but it works in the exact same way, and can be used in the same manner, i only copied the code so that i can edit the file how i want, without making any changes to forge and vanilla code
  3. check my github for config files, look at GenConfig and FMAConfiguration
  4. try using LanguageRegistry.instance().addStringLocalization("tile.first", "first")
  5. or you use cfg.getBlock("your comment", defaultValue),getInt();
  6. check how i do it on my github
  7. I would like to add sticks to the list of items that leaves drop when broken, but i want to keep the mod a true forge mod (not editing base files, for those who don't know is this even possible? Thanks for reading ----------------------- viper283
  8. can you show some of your code (around line 445, in mod_DatMod.java) as that line is mentioned in the error log
  9. if your modding on mac, make a .sh file with the following contents #!/bin/bash python runtime/recompile.py "$@" python runtime/getchangedsrc.py "$@" python runtime/reobfuscate.py "$@" if your modding on windows make a .bat with the following contents @echo off runtime\bin\python\python_mcp runtime\recompile.py %* runtime\bin\python\python_mcp runtime\getchangedsrc.py %* runtime\bin\python\python_mcp runtime\reobfuscate.py %* pause this just makes it easier to distribute and you only have to run one file instead of 3
  10. if i remember correctly you can use FMLCommonHandler.getMinecraftInstance() to get it working, i haven't coded for a couple of weeks and have not used the latest version of forge, if it does not work then disregard this post
  11. thanks
  12. i have had the same problem before, the only crash report is that java has ran out of heap space it only crashes when trying to load a world, and it only crashes with this block if i remove the getTextureFromSide(int side) method it works, should i used getBlockTextureFromSideAndMetadata(int side, int meta) the code i have used is as follows /******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2012 Alchemist'. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the GNU Public License v3.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html * * Contributors: * Viper283 * Jamesc554544 * Alchemist ******************************************************************************/ package fma; import net.minecraft.src.Block; import net.minecraft.src.Material; /** * @author viper283 * */ public class ModBlocks { public static Block chalk; public static Block meta; public static Block crate; public static void initBlock() { chalk = new BlockChalk(ModIds.chalk, 5).setBlockName("chalk"); meta = new FMAMetaBlock(ModIds.meta, Material.rock); crate = new BlockCrate(ModIds.crate, 3).setBlockName("crate"); } } and for the block class /******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2012 Alchemist'. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the GNU Public License v3.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html * * Contributors: * Viper283 * Jamesc554544 * Alchemist ******************************************************************************/ package fma; import net.minecraft.src.Block; import net.minecraft.src.CreativeTabs; import net.minecraft.src.Material; /** * @author viper283 * */ public class BlockCrate extends Block { /** * @param par1 * @param par2 */ public BlockCrate(int par1, int par2) { super(par1, par2, Material.wood); this.setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabDeco); // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub } @Override public String getTextureFile() { return Resources.blockTextures; } @Override public int getBlockTextureFromSide(int side) { if(side == 1 || side == 5) { return 4; } return 3; } }
  13. if i load with 1gb it crashes explorer, if i load with 2gb it gives me the out of memory crash report
  14. what i meant was that explorer crashes, dunno why, but i got past that now, i did have 1gb allocated but then i allocated 2gb and it gave me the out of memory crash, it only happens through eclipse
  15. i am trying to test through eclipse not through the minecraft launcher but if you mean test my mod without forge through eclipse, i can't my mod heavily requires forge
  16. I try to test my mod through eclipse but evertime i try to load a world i crash, there is nothing in the crash log because i have to terminate minecraft or my whole system crashes, if you need anything to help solve this issue i will be more than happy to give it to you I am using java 7 update 7 (including jdk) i have Eclpise 4.2 juno classic I have the latest version of forge i have made no base edits other than a way to render my new type of brew stand (i edited the renderblocks file) (no longer being modified) I HAVE FOUND THE CRASH REPORT. it says it it out of memory but i have allocated 2gb to java I am not the only one who gets this, my friend james(another coder in my mod) also has the same crash, he has tried the same things as me and he still crashes
  17. try putting the recipe in the CustomFurnaceRecipes class like with a normal furnace
  18. @instance("yourmod"), should fix it, i had the same problem but cpw fixed it on buildcraft
  19. you can view my current dimension code on my github at http://github.com/viper283/FullmetalAlchemy it's not done yet, need to find a way to get it to change from Teleporter to AmestrisTeleporter but i can't find any code on it atm
  20. Found the 'var6' he was on about, it was EntityPlayer and MinecraftServer, you can't use the methods he's on about because they are not static, i would make them static but i do not want to edit base files. does anyone know a different way to make it use my teleporter class and not the default one
  21. What do i put in my onEntityCollidedWithBlock because there is not a 'var6' anywhere in that method
  22. i copied the BlockPortal class renamed it and changed the blocks to mine but i can't find the var6 your talking about. public void onEntityCollidedWithBlock(World par1World, int par2, int par3, int par4, Entity par5Entity) { if(par5Entity.ridingEntity == null && par5Entity.riddenByEntity == null) { par5Entity.setInPortal(); } }
  23. thanks i'll use that method insead of DimensionAPI as it doesn't work very well atm
  24. Thanks to cpw and the @Instance commit he did on buildcraft i fixed it i am working on 3 mods in my eclipse workspace and when ever i try to run minecraft i get the following error: i am getting this error in 3 different versions of minecraft forge (i have tried the latest but i still get this error) Forge-ModLoader-Client-0.log ViperCore ProjectMinePlus FullmetalAlchemy i know my coding style is horrible in ProjectMinePlus but that was the first mod i made and i really do not want to recode it
  25. replace Block.stone.blockID for yourfile.yourstone.blockID
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