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Everything posted by poopoodice

  1. Set the render type of the block in your client setup using RenderTypeLookup.setRenderLayer(block, rendertype);
  2. You can't guarantee that other mods inherits from vanilla classes, I'll say use tags
  3. ITextComponent.applyTextStyle() in 1.15
  4. It looks right : P
  5. Either way of registering should work, and I've never use DeferredRegistrer before but it shouldn't be different from others like items and blocks. Same if you are using registry events.
  6. ForgeRegistries.ENCHANTMENTS
  7. I'm not so sure about this either but when I last check the version with forge bot in discord it is 20200723-1.16.1
  8. I'm not so sure about this either but when I last check the version with forge bot in discord it is 20200723-1.16.1
  9. Reload Listener sounds like it
  10. You can use setStyle to set the text's style or just use for example applyTextStyle(TextFormatting.RED)
  11. You can add things like StringTextComponent, TranslationTextComponent.. etc that inherits from ITextComponent to the list, see how vanilla does it. If you are using the event (for some special reasons?) you can use event.getToolTip() to get the list of tooltips which got from addInformation(), and use List.add() to add new tips just like above.
  12. You can't do that on client.
  13. I think you should be able to do it with Slot.onTake()
  14. It allows you to add data on vanilla entities more flexible as well.
  15. You need to set the size of your entity type, and call setPosition() which eventually sets the bounding box of the entity.
  16. They basically "attaches" extra data that is accessible from other mods, capability can also be apply on the entities that aren't created by you.
  17. The classes should always starts with a capital letter, and you have an extra comma here "heart_block,"
  18. Don't send the packet each tick, send it when changes were made or when needed. context.getSender() gives a ServerPlayerEntity, use Minecraft.getInstance().player to get the client player
  19. Show your main class as well
  20. 1. Show your code 2. Full crash log
  21. Check its comment // Forge: Use supplier method instead use the one above it
  22. BlockEvent.BreakEvent https://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/events/intro/
  23. If you mean item model properties: https://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/models/overrides/ ItemModelsProperties.java
  24. You don't really need a packet just to sync a float, just convert it to int (maybe times it by 100, I don't know) and use trackInt() or trackIntArray() in Container.
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