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Everything posted by DragonITA

  1. And @diesieben07 what for example should i put into my render function? (ModelRenderer.DontKnowFunctionWhatsTheName)
  2. Thanks a lot! But why Mojang has changed the name of the function?
  3. @Mojo12 you can use Tabula.
  4. I dont can good read in Gitlab (sorry for bad english)
  5. Can you make a Github account and show the whole mod?
  6. What have i do false?
  7. Wow thanks, this explain most of my questions.
  8. pls help me.
  9. You can see tutorials for the 1.12.2 then you want modify your texture. Import your mob into Tabula, import his texture, use the mirrored GUI and export the new Model as Java vlass with the new Texture. Then in your IDE change the code for make it compatible with the 1.15.1 and finaly enjoy.
  10. I do not understand why the Mojang does not explain what its functions are. Since you don't have a web site where some functions are explained and don't always tell our IDE what they do (for example Eclipse tells me what the DeferredRegister does but not what the function ModelRenderer.render does). Why does the Mojang do it?
  11. I realy need help with my entity.
  12. If this dont help you then you can find tutorials on it. Hope i helped you ?.
  13. Ok, you need Minecraft 1.12.2 to use it, the mod jar and his dependice, iChun.
  14. @Thegametutor101 yes, it was possible. If you see the Mod of Lycanite you can see he used OBJ models for his entities. Lycanite Mobs, the mod, is open-source and you can find it here: https://gitlab.com/Lycanite/LycanitesMobs/-/tree/master
  15. @Drachenbauer Why you not try Tabula and then export you texture? You can importing your Model into Tabula, then set the Mirror GUI on and play a bit with it. I am sorry if you have need to wait so long for a answer.
  16. Hello, i am triyng to make a entity in the 1.15.2. It spawn, the spawn egg has a texture and it should work fine, but i cant see my entity and i dont know why. Here is the Link to my Github: https://github.com/DragonGamerDevelopers/NewFantasyMod Pls if you know why it dont render then say it me i realy need my entity. Thanks for reading. A picture:
  17. You can try to see the Github of Cadiboo. Cadiboo finaly made a system for entities and you can see it on his Github. If this dont help then i dont know.
  18. @Zeide, you have a good idea, but if this dont work then @gamas you should make a manual model with Blockbench and export it as json model, else if you want the model of the sword then the first idea should work.
  19. @Discult, i dont am a expert with json files, but i think that you can check older tutorials then the json system dont change. Example: { "parent": "builtin/generated", "textures": { "layer0": "" }, "display": { "thirdperson": { "rotation": [-90,0,0], "translation": [0,1,-3], "scale": [0.55,0.55,0.55] }, "firstperson" { "rotation": [0,-135,25], "translation": [0,4,2], "scale": [1.7,1.7,1.7] } } } You can make a model in Blockbench and export it as Json File.
  20. 1. 1.12.2 is no longer supported due to his age.
  21. If no then was here any alternative to it? (It = this.ModelRendererName.render() )
  22. 1.12.2 is no longer supported (and i cant help you then i am bad to read logs, sorry) ?
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