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Posts posted by sciwhiz12

  1. Looking at the CurseForge pages for Xaero's Minimap and WorldEdit, they do not have a version for 1.16 Forge, only Fabric. So, you are most likely using the wrong modloader.


    Forge 1.16.1 is currently in BETA. Crashes and bugs are expected to occur while the Forge team is fixing what broke during the update.

    While 1.16.1 is now in active development and support, it will be some time until a stable/recommended release for Forge 1.16.x.

    If you want to test and find bugs, please do so and report them to this forum. If reporting a bug, please search if another topic is already made about it.

    If you're just wanting to play modded 1.16, please wait until Forge is out of beta and a recommended Forge version is released.


  2. This is a known issue with tags and dedicated servers. Check this PR: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/pull/6876.

    Also, can you please clarify for me: you used the vanilla server, and connected using a Forge client, yes? And then you used the MDK to recreate the issue?


    Forge 1.16.1 is currently in BETA. Crashes and bugs are expected to occur while the Forge team is fixing what broke during the update.

  3. Forge 1.16.1 is currently in BETA. Crashes and bugs are expected to occur while the Forge team is fixing what broke during the update.

    While 1.16.1 is now in active development and support, it will be some time until a stable/recommended release for Forge 1.16.x.

    If you want to test and find bugs, please do so and report them to this forum. If reporting a bug, please search if another topic is already made about it.

    If you're just wanting to play modded 1.16, please wait until Forge is out of beta and a recommended Forge version is released.


    Please try 32.0.25. A fix was very recently pushed about issues of this type.

  4. Forge 1.16.1 is currently in BETA. Crashes and bugs are expected to occur while the Forge dev team is still fixing what got broken during the update.

    While 1.16.1 is now in active development and support, it will be some time until a stable/recommended release for Forge 1.16.x.

    If you want to test and find bugs, by all means do so and report them to this forum.

    If you're just wanting to play modded 1.16, please wait until Forge is out of beta once again, and until a recommended Forge version is released.


    It seems that this is related to a known issue. (MinecraftForge#6857 and MinecraftForge#6871)

  5. Forge 1.16.1 is currently in BETA. Crashes and bugs are expected to occur while the Forge team is fixing what broke during the update.

    While 1.16.1 is now in active development and support, it will be some time until a stable/recommended release for Forge 1.16.x.

    If you want to test and find bugs, by all means do so and report them to this forum. If reporting a bug., please search if another topic is already made about it.

    If you're just wanting to play modded 1.16, please wait until Forge is out of beta once again, and until a recommended Forge version is released.


    You seem to have already reported this issue on the issues tracker. (MinecraftForge#6871)

  6. Forge for 1.16.1 is in BETA. This means crashes and bugs are expected to occur while the Forge dev team is still fixing what got broken during the update.

    While 1.16.1 is now in active development and support, it will be a few days/weeks until a stable/recommended release for Forge 1.16.x.

    If you are wanting to test and find bugs, by all means please do so and report them to the issues tracker. But, if you're just wanting to play modded 1.16, please wait until Forge is out of beta once again, and until a recommended Forge version is released.

  7. 27 minutes ago, Cinderous said:


    // ChangeDimensionTrigger.class, MC version 1.15.2, mappings 20200514-1.15.1, L23 (partial)
    DimensionType.byName(new ResourceLocation(JSONUtils.getString(json, "from")))
    // DimensionType.class,  MC version 1.15.2, mappings 20200514-1.15.1, L102-105
    public static DimensionType byName(ResourceLocation nameIn) {
        return Registry.DIMENSION_TYPE.getOrDefault(nameIn);

    Use the registry name that you used in your DeferredRegister: "hyperl:hyperlane_dim"

  8. The most recent crash report is a recurring issue in Forge currently. (revelant issue) Try running it again.

    10 minutes ago, ChromaKey81 said:

    Could you briefly explain what I need to change in the build.gradle (or direct me to some documentation)?

    The 'archiveBaseName', 'group', and replacing 'examplemod' and 'examplemodareus' with respective modid and your author name.

    12 minutes ago, ChromaKey81 said:

    By the way, do I need to compile all of my .java files to .class? How would I do that in VSCode?

    I am not familliar with java coding with VSCode. Although VSCode has an associated task built for it (genVSCodeRuns), as said above, you are better off using IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse. (unless you wish to stick to VSCode, in which case I wish you good luck and fun)

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