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Posts posted by sciwhiz12

  1. Although DCEVM and JRebel do work for most Java applications, there may be difficulties with using them for Minecraft modding development. You are basically on your own when trying to use these, as they may introduce subtle differences which may throw off how Forge and FML works.


    The only officially supported Java version for Minecraft and Forge is Java 8. Any higher is not officially supported by either Mojang or the Forge team. Though they may run on higher versions, support and help will not be given unless issues can be reproduced with Java 8 (OpenJDK 8 HotSpot, for example, is a supported JVM).


    I can only suggest that you stick with the built-in and limited hotswapping capabilities of the JVM, since anything else is outside support if they cause issues.

  2. 34 minutes ago, MrGreenyboy said:

        @ObjectHolder("tutorialmod" + "example_item")
        public static Item example_item;

    In the future, please use the code blocks (the `<>` in the editor) when pasting code.


    You are missing the colon between the modid and item name: "tutorialmod:example_item".


    18 minutes ago, Novârch said:

    Remove your item name, all you need is the modid

    That isn't true for annotations on fields; you explicitly need to specify the registry path and, as there is no @ObjectHolder annotation on the class, also the modid/namespace has to be specified. It's all written in the documentation. (see the last example in UnannotatedHolder)

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, MrGreenyboy said:

    [08:57:09] [Render thread/WARN] [ne.mi.re.ObjectHolderRegistry/REGISTRIES]: Found an unqualified ObjectHolder annotation (tutorialmod) without a modid context at Lcom/MrGreenyboy/TutorialMod/init/ItemInit;.example_item, ignoring

    You put a `@ObjectHolder` annotation on `ItemInit.example_item` without specifying a modid in either the annotation on the field or on the class (through @Mod or @ObjectHolder). See the documentation on @ObjectHolder for its rules and examples. (ignore the 1.14.x version, it is the same up to 1.16.+)

    • Thanks 2
  4. First, give us your Minecraft and Forge version.


    Second, give the debug.log and at least a brief description of the crash.


    Third, you're passing in a `null` to the `EndermanEntity` constructor. That's probably what's causing the crash, but provide more details.


    Fourth, your whole spawning code from the EndermanEntity constructor up to the world.addEntity should be surrounded by the !isRemote check.

  5. Your issue with beacon payments are because the `isBeaconPayment` method was removed. Add your item to the `minecraft:beacon_payment_items` item tag for it to work. (reference: PR that removed the method)


    I don't know much about Gradle and ForgeGradle to help you, though. Try redowloading the latest MDK, and see if a fresh unmodified environment will cause the issue. If that works, copy over your files and resources, and use that environment.

  6. The configs for the "Valhelsia Structures" are somehow unreadable, possibly due to corruption. Please delete their config files. (They will normally have the modid in their config name: "valhelsiastructures-<client/server/common>.json")

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