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Everything posted by Niprow

  1. you can call it in the constructor of your block, it returns itself. do you know java? I ask because you could also just create a variable with Block.Properties#create , then run all methods on it and then insert the variable in the constructor. This is basic java, you should know this before you start modding!
  2. I wonder what the Block.Properties class does.
  3. ok just downloaded eclipse and did all the stuff for it. Than I opened the project in Intellij. I do not like the way but it functions. it helped after all, thanks for all your advice
  4. click in the upper right corner on your runClient task click on Edit Configurations... insert in Program arguments: --username <username>
  5. this is not the right forum to post this
  6. that is so because of the tick-rate in your tile entity (if you update it in ITickableTileEntity#tick) you could change it in Block#tickRate (maybe)
  7. World#notifyBlockUpdate you can not call that in onDataPacket or getUpdatePacket
  8. see: https://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tileentities/tileentity/#synchronizing-the-data-to-the-client
  9. not anything but much see docs but my problem is not a gradlew task. my problem is how to make the dependencies like here because a lot changed
  10. not really, i use Intellij
  11. Minecraft Forge Environment for contributing Downloaded it, checked out the correct brunch. run the task "setup" in "Task". "genIntellijRuns" and "genPatches" works and also the intellij runs themselves. But now i want to use that exmplemod to test the new code. How do I get this mod into the new "Minecraft" and the new code from this Minecraft into my mod? Tried it with the docs and the linked videos, didn't work. Thanks for help
  12. OK sorry could you please tell me where I can find that code That's not to say that I don't want to believe you
  13. do you really want to disable it or just not render?
  14. My fault again it's not bullshit but the solution. In your blockstate JSON you don't close the "when" query before the actual thing to be executed - please try it.
  15. yea my fault, sorry I edited it yet that it is bullshit
  16. ahh ok, in your blockstate: it should be that: {"when": {"<enum>": <something>}, "apply": {"model": "<model>"} }, no that is bullshit, sorry
  17. there is not any class of the Item it is just a normal BlockNamedItem see: net.minecraft.item.Items
  18. yea the container that could help I posted that earlier do not know why it is gone
  19. please send your crash log
  20. create a new world for testing should be nessasary
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