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Everything posted by mrgreaper
i thought there was more events then that
Ok this is a video Tutorial to add sounds to your mod. ********************************************************** * The Video * * http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTGJXO_2Kks * * * ********************************************************** The text version (not as good as the video) in your dev enviroment your resources folder will be in : root\src\main\resources\assets\modid in that modid folder you need to create a "sounds" folder and a sounds.json file (blank text file will do) lets take the sounds.json file from my video : { "bunnyBegA": {"category": "master","sounds": [{"name": "bunnyBegA","stream": false}]}, "bunnyBegB": {"category": "master","sounds": [{"name": "bunnyBegB","stream": false}]}, "bunnyRelease": {"category": "master","sounds": [{"name": "bunnyRelease","stream": false}]} } now lets break one line down "bunnyBegA": {"catagory": "master","sounds": [{"name": "bunnyBegA","stream": false}]}, #NAME OF FILE MINUS EXTENSION1#: {"catagory": #NAME OF CATEGORY IT BELONGS TO# ,#FOLDER ITS LOCATED IN#: [{"name": #NAME OF FILE MINUS EXTENSION2#,"stream": #IS IT LONG#}]}#COMMA# #NAME OF FILE MINUS EXTENSION1# = if your file is called bunnyBegA.ogg then this is "bunnyBegA.ogg" #NAME OF CATEGORY IT BELONGS TO# = the category of the sound, for the new 1.7.2 volume control (i dont know all the categories but im sure a search of the default json will show you them #FOLDER ITS LOCATED IN# = sounds of course #NAME OF FILE MINUS EXTENSION2# = same as #NAME OF FILE MINUS EXTENSION1# (its possible that the first one can be anything as its the internal name, but you may as well keep it as the files name, there is no reason not to after all #IS IT LONG# =set this to true if its a long sound file, i dont know the impact this has on mc itself so only set to true if it dont play right in false is my advice! #COMMA# = theres more entrys to come.... no comma on the last one! Hope you enjoyed the guide and video Mods : i am trying to put this on the wiki now
At the moment we have "ItemSmeltedEvent" but that doesnt fire untill the player removes the finished item from the furnace (the cooked chicken etc) What i could do with is one that fires as soon as the item is started to be smelted ideally it would include the following information the tileentity that trigured it (so we can get the location and see what it is etc) the item that is being smelted the fuel source being used (if possible) what the end product will be when the smelting is finished (there are some situations we may want to modify it *see bellow) the time it will take (if possible) be cancel-able * we may want to add a chance that instead of getting that nice cooked chicken you were expecting you get a burnt chicken why else would this be useful to other modders? we can have ; things that can only smelt if a certain fuel is used things that can smelt to random items the ability to add custom events around the tile entity, sounds or particles when certain items are started to be smelted (that go off when smelting is done perhaps using the time part or an event that fires when smelting is done) the ability to cancel the smelting event if the item is not to be smelted in that tileentity in short it would be very useful for a lot of things im sure
ok so those that have seen me in irc know im having an issue with the gradle compiler, i have taled to abrarsyed and lexmanos about it but both seemed stumped, and at one point suggested my code was wrong, to better explain it i have done a video showing my code in eclipse, the item and material it errors on in compile working in eclipse and ingame. also the build error. the log is : http://pastebin.com/3UDMTtih (this is the log from the build attempt in the video not the one shown at the end, figure its more useful though identical lol) the video is at : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qkn4rzdeNcc my Materials.java is at https://github.com/mrgreaper/TwistedMod2/blob/master/java/com/mrgreaper/twisted/handlers/Materials.java my ItemBunnySword.java is at https://github.com/mrgreaper/TwistedMod2/blob/master/java/com/mrgreaper/twisted/items/ItemBunnySword.java my build.gradle http://pastebin.com/atBHvCuZ my java jdk is 1.7.0_25 my forge version is 996 my minecraft is (ofcourse) 1.7.2 ide in use : eclipse OS: windows 8.1 cant think of any more details you may need any help greatfully recieved **edit** im told this is a known issue to do with classes inside classes, no fix available at the time of this edit.
first the item is being regonised by minecraft as im getting "[19:06:22] [Client thread/INFO]: Add : TwistedMod:bunnyD 4096 com.mrgreaper.twisted.items.ItemDeadBunny@d695de" as it loads, but the item does not appear in any of the creative tabs! ok the error im getting happens when i try to do the recipie to make the item i have added (in this case a dead bunny) heres the crash log : http://pastebin.com/ub7pF9vK The crash and the fact the item isnt in the creative tabs suggests to me its not being created, but entry in the log states its there even has an id (though /give playername 4096 1 says no such item, as does attempting to give its unlocalized name in place of the id) here is my items class file : https://github.com/mrgreaper/TwistedMod2/blob/master/java/com/mrgreaper/twisted/items/ItemDeadBunny.java my main mods class file : https://github.com/mrgreaper/TwistedMod2/blob/master/java/com/mrgreaper/twisted/TwistedMod.java the items.class that has my init() for registering items https://github.com/mrgreaper/TwistedMod2/blob/master/java/com/mrgreaper/twisted/items/Items.java the icon is located in src\main\resources\TwistedMod\textures\items the lang file is located src\main\resources\TwistedMod\lang any other files you need to look at are all on the github i spent 4 or 5 hours lastnight trying to work out why its not working (till i almost fell asleep at my keyboard) and a couple of hours already googling today to look at src code of other mods to see how they did it, not many for 1.7.2 yet. but everything i have done seems right and looks like it should work! my 1.6.2 mod im re-writting was much more complicated then this and worked fine, to be stuck on the first stage, on creating an item is frustrating to the highest degree im well and truely stuck **edit changed the modid to lower case and the resource folder to match (that wont show on github as it doesnot seem to care about case in folder names ....wierd) also my latest forge log http://pastebin.com/WMQnhRAa **edit added an assets folder into resources and placed the modid folder into that ..still crashing latest log is : http://pastebin.com/kkZnTQZv **edit solved** i had no pre - init so my items were never getting initialised ...never code tired!
Thank you. it was a bit different on mine minecraft { version = "1.7.2-" i changed that to minecraft { version = "1.7.2-" and ran "gradlew.bat eclipse" it worked a treat, so we just need to know what the magic numbers are each update, for most its going to be simple up the number to what ever the recommanded for other times we may need to request what the numbers are. im not a fan of this new method, it was a lot easier to just replace the forge folder and re-run install but im sure i will get used to it with time.
thanks for the reply but still a bit hazy on the details what file is that in? (im kind of opening files to look at mo but no wiser) do just run gradlew.bat setupDecompWorkspace then gradlew.bat eclipse after i change the file or is there a different command?
i was told by the man himself one night on irc that one of the cool features of gradle is you change one file and run gradle and it will update itself to that version of forge with out effecting the src files you have created making your mod however i cant renember how this witchcraft is achived! so i ask you, i have gradle for forge 1.7.2 (it doesnt seem to exist for 1.6.4 anymore! which is a shame as i could of started to use it then updated but oh well) build 976, i see that forge 1.7.2 build 977, now i know in practice you wouldnt just jump to the next version of forge just because its there but im trying to work out how to update it so this is a good test... so yeah what do i do or type to have my gradle update itself from mc 1.7.2 forge 976 to mc 1.7.2 forge 977 on a side note will it be the same to update it from say mc 1.7.2 forge 977 to 1.7.4 forge xxx when forge actually updates to current mc?
oh cool, ok im liking it a bit more. thanks. only issue i have left is one thats external to gradle and fixable with googles help im sure (changing my github repositry folder to the new src one)
how do we fix "this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!"
mrgreaper replied to mrgreaper's topic in Modder Support
thank you that fixed it! my mod is now ready for the 1.7 update (i know its not ....just dont burst my bubble lol) -
Thank you that fixed 1 for 2 ...well i shall have to wait for a guide on that as from what i can see gradle uses the one workspace to build and that workspace cant be moved, but number 1 was the major one so again thank you. is annoying that we will have to recreate the folder for each new forge version now my old set up all i had to do was delete the old forge folder, download the new one, run install then load eclipse and let it do its thing.....dead simple oh well ill get used to it again no doubt
Hi, i tried gradle the other day (had to infact as i was trying the latest forge) I really dont like it, instead of moaning i figured it better to say what i would like to see to added to it that would make it as good as the present dev environment setup(granted present dev environment is a reletive term as we all have somewhat different ones) 1) you need to have the minecraft src available to easierly read and access the same as the mcp methods of old, this is hugely important, its by reading this src we learn how to do the stuff we want to do. For example in my mod i needed the speech synth to only output to those around the speaker, so i looked at how the beacon works to understand the bounding box better, with out the src code sitting there in eclipse that would not of been possible. I believe this will lead to a lot of questions on here that could be easier answered by a search through of the source code. 2) multiple projects in one eclipse work space, really dont like the idea of having to have multiple work spaces for multiple mods, i often reference how i have done something in one mod to implement it in another, and for when you are making mods that are addons to your main mod its damn near essential those are the two issues, if these are fixed it will be at-least as good as the present method, i personally dont see what was wrong with the present method and i will be honest, i see gradle as a step backwards rather then forwards. I dont say this to hurt the feelings of anyone thats worked on it and i mean no offence, i am very grateful to forge as with out it and the team that work on it i would not be able to mod at all, so please take this as constructive criticism from a user not an attack. **edit realised i originly posted this in the wrong topic, the original post has now been removed ooops**
how do we fix "this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!"
mrgreaper posted a topic in Modder Support
Hi im on the recommanded version of forge (953) and i started to get in the eclipse log : searching for a solution i found the same issue, http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,13687.0.html but the last reply before locking says " if you're getting it in your dev console, you should update and fix it." updating beyond 953 is not possible as mcp intergration is removed and having tried gradle im not a fan(sorry, thats a whole other thread so lets ignore that here) but to behonest its saying it wont survive an update so how do we fix? all my items have unlocalised names and names ie: public static final String BUNNYD_UNLOCALIZED_NAME = "bunnyDead"; public static final String BUNNYD_NAME = "Dead Bunny"; is there a new thing we have to add? can we even add the new thing in 1.6.4? -
updating my mod to 1.6.4 and i had a hicup with my ant script, had to delete the forge folder usually no biggy. downloaded a fresh 953zip and ran the install.cmd only it wont install http://pastebin.com/43z0gsWv never had this before, any help greatly appreciated really want to make a test build of my mod and test it before work in an hour and half so far i have tried : a different folder rebooting the pc running as administrator(wouldnt work at all then) sitting the cat next to it and telling the pc unless it worked i would let her loose on the wires **edit** to ake it worse i just tried the irc channel and first i had to make a registered nick name.... then it still wouldnt let me send to channel FIX untill forge or mcp fix it here is the work around <Freya> But simple fix: change 1149 change to 'https://libraries.minecraft.net' also 1242 change to 'http://resources.download.minecraft.net' <Freya> in your fml.py credit to Freya in the irc channel for helping me with that
(excuse the double post but when ever i go to edit my last one it blanks it) I looked over the blog and see nothing about IDs being taken away.
wait... IDs go bye bye? you mean block and item ids? that seems more then an update and more of a complete overhaul are you sure? do you have a link to the source?
ah yes the texturing inside blender is a breeze (when you know how) but i mean the act of exporting the texture map to a png that minecraft can use to wrap around the model the same as it is in blender. sadly that seems rather specialised and not common enough to warrent youtube videos (though im at work at mo and youtube does play up so i may of missed it) if you know of a good vid please link me up
yep that was it, the guide that i was using (vswe`s guide) mentioned that models are too large by default so you scale them down...only he was on about techne model style. now i just need to make a proper model in blender (should take a while and figure out how to get blender to export me a compatable texture map lol) The model bit of my mod was spose to be a nice quick diversion before i got back to other stuff.. when will i learn things are often not that easy! but thank you very much for the help it is greatly appreciated!
that worked, theres a wierd stretching effect as it moves but tbh that fits with what im creating (yay for bugs in my favour lol) thank you.
well i just cant figure it out, my setup is a little different to yours but the principles seem the same, but the object doesnt appear in game, if you look at the commented out code thats my techne attempt and that does appear in game so the entity is fine damn you minecraft why do you have to be so damn confusing! my item (not really that relevent i know) https://github.com/mrgreaper/TwistedMod/blob/master/TwistedMod_common/com/mrgreaper/twisted/items/ItemDeathOrb.java the entity: https://github.com/mrgreaper/TwistedMod/blob/master/TwistedMod_common/com/mrgreaper/twisted/entities/EntityDeathOrb.java the model class https://github.com/mrgreaper/TwistedMod/blob/master/TwistedMod_common/com/mrgreaper/twisted/client/ModelDeathOrb.java the renderer for the model https://github.com/mrgreaper/TwistedMod/blob/master/TwistedMod_common/com/mrgreaper/twisted/client/RenderDeathOrb.java the obj file (just a quick dirty object for the test https://github.com/mrgreaper/TwistedMod/blob/master/Resources/assets/twisted/models/deathorb.obj the texture https://github.com/mrgreaper/TwistedMod/blob/master/Resources/assets/twisted/models/metal1.png
ok a bit stuck, i exported the obj but how do you turn the mtl to a png for the texture?
thank you ill give it a read and a try later on im guessing "export triangulated files " is easy to do ? havent toyed with 3d apps since bryce 3d lol
someone else share my opinion ?!?!?? this must be my birthday or something but yeah look on forge wii youll see my tutorial and just download like blender3d or something and start using wavefront (aka real men modeling) on the wiki i found http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Using_wavefront_model is that the one?
whos guide ? mine ? (on forge wiki) cuz id blame techne since its pretty much crap :\ this guide http://minalien.com/tutorial-advancedmodelloader/ ill have a look on the forge wikki latter on, i relied on google to find a good guide (damn you google!) and yeah, techne has to be the worst 3d model maker i have ever seen...cubes only? really. no dragging items about... just horrible but its the only thing that has come close to getting an object into the world for me though glitched as you can see)
ok yeah the title sucks but how do i summerise the issue in a title? [embed=425,349]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7rtgyOESEk[/embed] the vid explains the issue fully, im completly stuck, theres very few guides on using models (i only found one on using obj files and it just didnt work) im guessing i missed something obvious but, well im stuck