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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by Busti

  1. This is most likely caused by some faulty render code. Does this only appear when a Certain Block is placed in the world etc. If so please post that blocks render Code. If this is a general error and not caused by a mod you are working on but by a third party mod please post to the Support Board instead or ask the developer of that mod for help. Good Luck
  2. A Summary Have you tried turning it off and on again? Now I have... After deleting everything it is working like a charm. And I have learned many things about gradle... Also SanAndreasP and Diesieben07 I owe the tow of you a Beer. Please remind me if we ever meet. Thank you for all the help. Thus:
  3. I already updated it but didn't push the updated yet. It has not been in in the posted file either. The libraries have successfully been downloaded to the libs folder but they are neither linked in the IDE (I have to do it manually) nor are they being compiled. Even adding this to the build.gradle file does not help. dependencies { compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: '*.jar') } The maven repos are not being compiled as well. Thus NEI wont start.
  4. That's unfortunate. Since CCL is on the forge fileserver should I ask him about the issue instead?
  5. 2nd Bump... Also github should be working right now. Even though its still a bit empty. All the files are there if you need a more insightful look... github.com/Busti/Technica
  6. buildscript { repositories { jcenter() maven { name = "forge" url = "http://files.minecraftforge.net/maven" } maven { name = 'CodeChicken' url = 'http://chickenbones.net/maven/' } } dependencies { classpath 'net.minecraftforge.gradle:ForgeGradle:2.0-SNAPSHOT' classpath 'codechicken:CodeChickenCore:1.8-' classpath 'codechicken:NotEnoughItems:1.8-' } } apply plugin: 'net.minecraftforge.gradle.forge' version = "" group= "com.mlb.technica" archivesBaseName = "technica" minecraft { version = "1.8-" runDir = "eclipse" mappings = "snapshot_20141130" } task downloadCCLDev(type:LibDownloader) { sourceUrl = 'http://files.minecraftforge.net/maven/codechicken/CodeChickenLib/1.8-' target = file('libs/CodeChickenLib-dev.jar') } task downloadCCLSrc(type:LibDownloader) { sourceUrl = 'http://files.minecraftforge.net/maven/codechicken/CodeChickenLib/1.8-' target = file('libs/CodeChickenLib-src.jar') } repositories { maven { name = 'CodeChicken' url = 'http://chickenbones.net/maven/' } maven { name = 'forge' url = 'http://files.minecraftforge.net/maven' } } dependencies { compile 'codechicken:CodeChickenCore:1.8-' compile 'codechicken:CodeChickenCore:1.8-' compile 'codechicken:NotEnoughItems:1.8-' compile 'codechicken:NotEnoughItems:1.8-' } processResources { inputs.property "version", project.version inputs.property "mcversion", project.minecraft.version from(sourceSets.main.resources.srcDirs) { include 'mcmod.info' expand 'version':project.version, 'mcversion':project.minecraft.version } from(sourceSets.main.resources.srcDirs) { exclude 'mcmod.info' } } idea { module { inheritOutputDirs = true } } class LibDownloader extends DefaultTask { @Input String sourceUrl @OutputFile File target @TaskAction void download() { ant.get(src: sourceUrl, dest: target) } }
  7. Adding the Libraries in the build.gradle file downloaded them but they are not added as mods.
  8. CodeChickenLib has been on the fileserver for some months now thus the old maven repo on chickenbones.net has been removed. Unfortunately I couldn't find one on the fileserver. If there is one and I simply couldn't find it I apologize and I would be glad if you could point me to it. Thanks in advance, - Busti
  9. It has been on files.minecraftforge.net for some time now. But the (possible) maven repo 404's for me. Is there any method to download it from a link? PS: I think I am at the point where I should apologize for this thread. I am not very experienced with gradle and ignored it to this point.
  10. Also CodeChickenLib does not seem to exist in the maven repo
  11. Thanks Where is the difference in the two solutions?
  12. OK, I used the refresh button in the gradle tool window. It did nothing but removing the scala framework support.
  13. No there are no log problems. There are no logs from CCC and NEI at all. Normally both announce their presence during launch. Shouldn't files in /libs be added as mods anyways, even if you don't link them as Libraries?
  14. Nice, now I just have one minor problem. Librarys such as Not Enough Items dont seem to work. I use CodeChickenLib sometimes and the Code seems to work and compile but NEI, which I placed in the /libs folder wont show up. It worked before though. Yes I linked the libraries in my IDE.
  15. That went surprisingly well. Is the old method deprecated as of IntelliJ Idea 14 or has the problem existed before?
  16. The .ipr project file is not in my repo it was created using the gradlew idea command. These files / folders are in git: gradle/wrapper src/main build.gradle gradlew gradlew.bat
  17. I tried it. I added every necessary file to git and cloned the repo to another pc. Afterwards I used the command "gradlew setupDecompWorkspace idea" to set everything up. It completed without any errors. I proceeded by opening the .ipr project file using the latest version of Intellij Idea. And thats where the problems started. For some reason all Libraries had to be added by hand to the module using File/Project Structure/Libraries/addToModule Which I did and it turned out to have worked even though it was a bit annoying to add over 50 libraries by hand. And everything seemed to be working. But now for some odd reason textures don't work. This may not be a git problem since copying the necessary files to a Stick and pasting them to the other pc would have done the same but I never did it before and cant quite understand the process yet. Where did I go wrong?
  18. Well thanks! That is exactly what I needed. I indeed know that github is just a platform based on git. For some reason I cant really explain I used "github" instead of "git"
  19. I've been working with Forge for a long Time know. But I have never taken a step into git simply because I never needed it. Don't get me wrong here I know what git is and I know how to use it. I also used in the past to create some sort of online Backup for my mod. But I don't know how to use it with forge. Recently a Friend of mine joined me and I tried to make git work for both of us by uploading my mod files using Intellij Ideas git integration. So here is my question: Which files do I have to upload and how to make it work in a simple (clone repo to folder and open project) manner? Thanks in Advance, Busti
  20. If you already have a decompiled version of forge 1.8 set up then you should take a look at client/renderer/entity/ArmorStandRenderer.class It shouldn't have changed that much since 1.7 Otherwise there are some things in 1.7 client/renderer/entity/RenderPlayer.class you might take a look at. Good luck!
  21. Well I found my mistake. The assignment Choonster is talking about is done while the game is loading. I was not checking for prints during the games loading time. Thanks
  22. Also neither getStateFromMeta nor getMetaFromState get called during the placement of the block. I guess they are just used for information storage nowadays.
  23. Since I return the default state in getStateFromMeta which I set to hold the Y property shouldn't it return the correct State (just causing the block do display correctly. Im not aiming for any functionality here)
  24. Some of you should have already noticed that I'm struggeling with 1.8's new .json based Block State system. While updating my Rubbertree i've stumbled upon this weird issue. When initially placing the Block its state is determined by the way it was placed to give it the correct direction. When printing its state when its placed this comes out to be correct. But right after placement the block the state is being set to be none causing the block to display incorrectly. Here is the torn down log class im using. This is literally me trying to set the state correctly. class BlockRubbertreeLog(id:String) extends BlockLog { GameRegistry.registerBlock(this, id) setUnlocalizedName(id) setCreativeTab(Technica.tabTechnica) //val STATE:PropertyEnum = PropertyEnum setDefaultState(blockState.getBaseState.withProperty(BlockLog.LOG_AXIS, BlockLog.EnumAxis.Y)) override def onBlockPlaced(worldIn: World, pos: BlockPos, facing: EnumFacing, hitX: Float, hitY: Float, hitZ: Float, meta: Int, placer: EntityLivingBase): IBlockState = { super.onBlockPlaced(worldIn, pos, facing, hitX, hitY, hitZ, meta, placer) } override def onBlockActivated(worldIn: World, pos: BlockPos, state: IBlockState, playerIn: EntityPlayer, side: EnumFacing, hitX: Float, hitY: Float, hitZ: Float): Boolean = { println(state) super.onBlockActivated(worldIn, pos, state, playerIn, side, hitX, hitY, hitZ) } override def createBlockState(): BlockState = new BlockState(this, BlockLog.LOG_AXIS) override def getStateFromMeta(meta: Int): IBlockState = getDefaultState override def getMetaFromState(state: IBlockState): Int = 0 } Using breakpoints I found out that the issue lies somewhere in Chunk.class.setBlockState() But I couldn't see what caused it.
  25. since the log.json should be rather complicated because it is a "rotated pillar" I took a look at bookshelf.json. Which is basically what I want. It has a texture on its sides and on on its end. And it worked. For anyone looking at this: When making a sided block cant use "block/cube_all" you have to use cube_column (in my case) or others. The json file also has to be FLAWLESS using the wrong texture name will cause the whole model to break. Errors in json code as well.
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