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Everything posted by Busti

  1. Yes there is one. Its now called: worldObj.checkLight(BlockPos pos)
  2. It should not be too resource intensive as long as the change only occurs once and not constantly. Other mods do it all the time. There are many examples of light sources that spread further out. (Factorisation Wrathlamp / Thaumcraft Arcane Lamp etc.) You can do this with other light levels too... And there wont be any crashes as long as you mind the y height limit. (No light Changes underneath or on top of the world as there is no light there)
  3. You can set the light level for (air) blocks using: worldObj.setLightFor(EnumSkyBlock.BLOCK, pos, LightLevel) worldObj.setLightFor(EnumSkyBlock.SKY, pos, LightLevel) BLOCK creates yellow-ish light SKY creates blue-ish light You would have to do this constantly to prevent newly placed torches from stopping the effect. You could also calculate the SKY and BLOCK light from the light levels around the anti torch. You can get those values with: entityItem.worldObj.getLightFor(EnumSkyBlock, pos) It would also be better to check for changes before updating the light in such a large area since it is very resource intensive. EDIT: If you want the effect to be just optical do it client only. When you do it on the server it will also change mob spawn behavior.
  4. Hello, in 1.7.10 there was a function called worldObj.updateLightByType() is there a replacement for it? Thanks - Busti
  5. I am done with School! YAY! The tutorial will be continued when CBMP is released for 1.8
  6. Have you ever seen the new youtube 360 VR feature? If not here is a video for you (works only in chrome or yt app): (Make sure to watch it on your phone for the best experience!) I want to make a mod that captures such videos from minecraft in a fixed resolution without interfering with the actual gameplay.
  7. I am not trying to render Overlays of any sort. Basically I am trying to render the whole world again without being displayed on the screen.
  8. I found the renderWorldEvent class but I still have no clue where the GUI is rendered. I should be able to go on from here on my own but if you have any tips ore experience to share feel free to do it.
  9. Lets think of it as rendering a screenshot with other opengl settings. At this time I only want to have an event that fires when the In-game World (+ Entities and dynamics) renders. But I might also want to render the In-game GUI later but it should not go beyond the pause screen. I don't want the event to fire when the player is looking at the multiplayer menu for example.
  10. I could test for that on my own of course but I would like to use a potentially existing event
  11. Hi, yesterday I asked about an event that fires whenever the MC game loop loops. This is working fine but it is not exactly what I need. Is there also an event that fires only when the World is rendered? That would be really great since I cant seem to find any. Thanks - Busti
  12. Wohoo Thanks now I can mod the boredom away that is caused by my current state of illness
  13. Hi, After 5 Months of not Modding it seems like I have forgotten how to register Events correctly -.- This goes in the base class? @Mod.EventHandler public void init(FMLInitializationEvent event) { MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(new CTEvent()); } And this is the Event Class right? package com.mlb.vrc.event; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.gameevent.TickEvent; public class CTEvent{ @SubscribeEvent public void ClientTickEvent(TickEvent event) { System.out.println("Whatever"); } } Thanks - Busti
  14. And before you ask... I don't want to use the screen as an output.
  15. Thanks that should do the trick I want to render everything that is rendered on the whole screen independently with some modifications to the render code... By the looks of things it should be doable.
  16. Hello, is there a (simple) way to run code each time the game renders a new frame / completes or starts a new gameLoop? Minecrafts main loop method "runGameLoop()" can be found in the Minecraft.java class.This is also where the all the rendering is initiated. Is there a way to interface with the Game loop through a (Forge) interface? Thanks Busti
  17. Yes I will. I know that I saied to do it at the end of 2014 but I am currently in my last year of school and it takes about 90% of my free time. Sorry -.-
  18. Hi, has anybody of you ever encountered an API that Implements any / most of the mods tools? I know that omni-Tools has been around for a while but it is not being updated... Or is there just a "Rule" that makes people use "Wrench" as an Ore dictionary name for their wrenches etc. so you can test for that. Thanks - Busti [i apologize for this being kinda off topic but it somehow belongs here]
  19. Also have a look at mods that already integrate AE...
  20. I hate to be this guy but: We are not a support forum for various mods. I have a ChickenBones (Forge) Multipart Tutorial even though it is not a part of forge but only because many people asked for it. You should probably take a look at it since most of AE uses CB(F)MP. If you want to learn how to deal with other mods look for Library's / API's of those mods or Github repos as you probably did. Whenever you don't understand something write a message to the mod Author for instance on the Minecraft Forums. Most of them are very helpful when your request is serious // Not: "Please teach me how to java"... Good luck, - Busti
  21. Entitys motion values are mostly named "motionx/y/z" just search for them in the mob/entity classes
  22. Try to use this: System.out.println("RENDER"); Minecraft mc = MCUtil.getMC(); World world = mc.theWorld; mc.renderEngine.bindTexture(TEXTURE); GL11.glPushMatrix(); GL11.glTranslated(x + 0.5D, y + 1.5D, z + 0.5D); GL11.glRotatef(180F, 0, 0, 0); model.render(null, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0.0625F); GL11.glPopMatrix();
  23. Your best bet would probably to look at some other mods public github repository's...
  24. You should probably remove this thread...
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