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Everything posted by luisc99
The mcmod.info file in the zip is the most popular way, but you can have the info,action defined in the @PreInit method of your mod file. I do as having it in the zip crashes me for some reason... how can i do this? I did this for mine, there are probably better ways of doing it though. ModMetadata data = event.getModMetadata(); data.name = "Name"; data.version = "Version"; data.url = "website"; data.authorList = Arrays.asList(new String[] {"author1", "author2"}); data.description = "Description"; data.logoFile = "logo file .png"; data.credits = "Any other credits!"; data.autogenerated = false; //Ignore me, just keep me as false Also, the are other things to include in this that I haven't. You can find them in the same file as getModMetadata. I found out how to do this from this tutorial, which has lots of info on how it works. I just adapted it a little
Ok, I got the second project with the code in it fine, but it had errors in the project but not in the files, and I could not get it to run, but like you said, I will keep trying Thanks again for helping
I would but the people on here seem much more friendly Ok, thanks! Just out of interest is this done in the way that Pahimar does it in his Lets Mod Episode 4? Because I watched his video about this topic because people said it would help, but I had difficulties understanding some of it... Thanks anyway for helping!
Hey! In my mod I have added new crafting tables and recipes for these, but these do not show up in NEI. I have tried to download and install the NEI and CCC source code and followed the installation steps on ChickenBones' thread, but the code does not show up in eclipse even after refreshing and NEI does not show up in the game when run from eclipse. Also not many mods have NEI plugins and those that do are not open source, and so I would not know where to start when making this plugin. If anyone has done this, or knows how to do this then I would appreciate any help, as this is a major priority for my mod! Thanks, Luis
I also have wanted to run other, 3rd party mods from within eclipse to test compatibility, but even when deobfuscating the mods using BON like you said, they do not load with errors such as java.lang.IncompatableClassError and java.lang.IncorrectRenderMethod
Was this supposed to be for me? If so, no idea what you're on about. The block that I want to make using liquid crafting isn't even made yet; all I have is a stub basic block with the name etc, ready to be made. No sorry, I ment vroominators mod.
Upon looking at your code for the mixer, quite a large amount of it was obfuscated and made it difficult to find which methods you used for different things. If you could maybe send me the .java files for the mixer block so I could have a look at them in more detail? If not then I understand... Thanks again! Luis
Whose mod, mine or vroominators? I tried to get mine open source but my laptop does not seem to like git being installed... Yours if that's alright. Are you using the old git command line thing, or Git for windows? The latter is really easy to use but if your laptop doesn't like it obviously you can't get that far. Any chance you could email me a .zip? I tried installing git for windows but it failed to install every time and the command line thing did not work either. I could email you the mod if you like but I would have to fix up some things with the liquids first.
Whose mod, mine or vroominators? I tried to get mine open source but my laptop does not seem to like git being installed...
Although I have never done this before myself, I think that the newer versions of Modular Power Suits does this with the new .obj importer. You can find the source code here.
Yeah, I originally looked around on the BC code but didn't really find what I needed in it. Upon playing with your mod (which is great by the way!) your mixer seems very similar to what I want to do. Also I noticed in your copyright bit it says and I was wondering if I could take a look at the mixer part of your code and see if it helps me at all. If not I understand! Thanks for your help so far Luis
Ok, how would I use these tanks in my crafting though? I don't have much experience with liquids or how they are stored as you might be able to see...
In your class for the record you will see somewhere it says about the record name being the name for your music disc. Your sound file name would need to be called YourRecordName.ogg and would need to be in the /resources/mod/streaming folder. That is what worked for me anyway...
Hey! I am making a mod that involves quite advanced crafting recipes, one of which is done in a custom furnace type block. I was wondering if when using the forge liquid API, it would be possible to have the custom crafting table require water to smelt the item instead of fuel, and as well as creating the new item, it creates another custom liquid which I already have. Overall, something like the carpenter from Forestry, in the liquid transposer from Thermal Expansion, but to also produce a liquid after. If there is an easy way to hold two different types of liquid in a container, and have them be used in the crafting I would love to know. I can post any code needed from my mod is necessary. Thanks! Luis
Ok, thanks for your your help!
Ok, thanks for your your help!
Upon looking at the code, I have found out that it is not void. Also, that topic explains more about villages that it does about it's components. I have included my code for my village component for you to have a look at, in case it might help. again, this is a methood that has to be in the class, but there is no documentation on what to do with it.
Upon looking at the code, I have found out that it is not void. Also, that topic explains more about villages that it does about it's components. I have included my code for my village component for you to have a look at, in case it might help. again, this is a methood that has to be in the class, but there is no documentation on what to do with it.
Ehm well it has the return type of void which means it shouldn't return anything, simply typing return; would do to signal the method is done executing. As for what it should be doing I'm not sure, but I guess you would put the code here to build the component and then let the method finish or return; if you wish to make it stop before it has executed the whole block of code When I created the VillageComponentDecoShop.class eclipse inserted it as an unimplemented method and from what I can tell, it is what runs when the house is being build. Because I am returning null nothing generates. I know that the generation code goes there but I don't know what the generation code would be as like I said before, village component creation is nearly undocumented. It might not be void, I just wrote that from memory. But I think it is
Ehm well it has the return type of void which means it shouldn't return anything, simply typing return; would do to signal the method is done executing. As for what it should be doing I'm not sure, but I guess you would put the code here to build the component and then let the method finish or return; if you wish to make it stop before it has executed the whole block of code When I created the VillageComponentDecoShop.class eclipse inserted it as an unimplemented method and from what I can tell, it is what runs when the house is being build. Because I am returning null nothing generates. I know that the generation code goes there but I don't know what the generation code would be as like I said before, village component creation is nearly undocumented. It might not be void, I just wrote that from memory. But I think it is
Hey! I am making a mod that includes having a custom village house for my villagers to spawn on. I have got MineCraft to register my village home when it spawns villages, but it just spawns blank space and not my house as there is not value for buildComponent(). I understand that you need to return a value in order it build the village component, but as this method is not in vanilla code, and is nearly totally undocumented, I am unsure as to what this return value is. Amy help would be much appreciated! Thanks! Luis Just to solve any confusion, it is this that I am unsure as to what to return. @Override public static void buildComponent() { return null; }
Hey! I am making a mod that includes having a custom village house for my villagers to spawn on. I have got MineCraft to register my village home when it spawns villages, but it just spawns blank space and not my house as there is not value for buildComponent(). I understand that you need to return a value in order it build the village component, but as this method is not in vanilla code, and is nearly totally undocumented, I am unsure as to what this return value is. Amy help would be much appreciated! Thanks! Luis Just to solve any confusion, it is this that I am unsure as to what to return. @Override public static void buildComponent() { return null; }
Thanks for replying so quickly!