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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by luisc99

  1. gotchya... Is there any way to quickly replace all recipes using planks with my planks? Or do I manually have to re-add each recipe using planks. Sorry for the noobish questions. I really have no excuse... You could use the ore dictionary. Try removing the vanilla wood and adding your own instead...
  2. Hey there! In 1.6, the way messages are displayed in chat was changed to use a new system. I have noticed there is not much documentation on this system as it stands, and was wondering if anyone else had had this problem/knows how to fix it. Basically I have my current 1.5 code of player.sendChatToPlayer("text") and want to convert it over to 1.6. Sorry if this has been answered before, I searched but didn't find anything... Thanks! Luis
  3. How do these icon numbers relate to the textures though, as in which texture is which number? A diagram would be cool to help with this...
  4. Ok, the block syncing issue still exists, even though I have used a TE to store the data. Any suggestions? Sorry if I am becoming a but of an annoyance... Improved Code: ItemDecoTool.java: http://paste.minecraftforge.net/view/ec5af3ef BlockTeleporter.java: http://paste.minecraftforge.net/view/4cca185c TileTeleporter.java: http://paste.minecraftforge.net/view/14e85a69
  5. Ok, the item works perfectly now however the blocks are still all synced. I have switched everything to the TE, and now the itemDecoTool.java passes the co-ords straight to the TE, and all the bloom does is read the co-ords when a player walks on the block. I can provide code, but it will have to be tomorrow when I have access to it again...
  6. Thanks for your help! It works perfectly except the tool NBT tag never gets reset. When the mode needs to be reset back to 0, the NBT data does not and continues to be increased by 1, causing an OutOfBounds exception. Looking over the code, I cannot see anything that could cause this. Any help?
  7. Hey! I am the creator of the mod DecoCraft, which is still very much a work in progress. A small overview of it can be found on my website over at www.luisc99.tk Because I do not expect my mod to really become that popular, I don't really need a subforum, although I may reconsider it in the future. Thanks for considering! Luis
  8. Hey there! I have made a new teleporter block which teleports players to a set of co-ordinates when they step on the block. As I have it set up now, the teleporting works fine however all the blocks in the world are synced together, and only one destination is applied. Also when the world is reloaded, via closing out of the game, the destination is also lost... I understand that I will need to use NBT data for this, in order to keep the destination unique for that block, however I do not know how I would achieve this as I have very little knowledge over NBT and how it works. I was wondering if any of you nice people could help me, or give me some advice as to where to go next. I have enclosed below two files that I think are important in this issue, but I can always provide more if necessary! As a side note, the ItemDecoTool.java seems to have some issues. All the text sent to the player appears twice, and when more than one mode is available only the last can be selected. I don't know how to solve this but I am sure it is just a derp on my behalf... Finally I should point out that I am still in MC1.5.2, as I have not had time yet to upgrade to 1.6. I don't know if any of the methods I use in this will change (apart from textures), or if it will just be a straight port. Thanks for reading, feel free to ask any questions! Luis My class files: BlockTeleporter.java: http://paste.minecraftforge.net/view/a03995d7 ItemDecoTool.java: http://paste.minecraftforge.net/view/b97ca36d
  9. I tried this method, but the TE gets removed from the world after a tick, when I want it to stay. I am unsure if this is a problem with the fact this TE is not assigned to any block, and that I just want it placed upon an item clicking on a block. Also, using some System.out.println I know that the TE is being placed, just not staying in the world at all... You shouldn't need to be doing that. Instead, set the block to BlockCover and watch as the TE is created automatically. I want the block to stay as its original block, and keep all its old features, just look different. Essentially an item that changes the look of any block it is clicked on...
  10. I tried this method, but the TE gets removed from the world after a tick, when I want it to stay. I am unsure if this is a problem with the fact this TE is not assigned to any block, and that I just want it placed upon an item clicking on a block. Also, using some System.out.println I know that the TE is being placed, just not staying in the world at all...
  11. Thanks but I know how tile entities on blocks work. What I am trying to achieve here is when an item is used on any block, vanilla or modded, it creates my TileEntityBlockCover which I can later use in rendering... Thanks anyway! Thanks! I will try this tomorrow and see if it does what I need
  12. Hey! I had a similar issue a few weeks ago, but discovered that if you register your block as if it had metadata, then in your ItemBlock.java you can add the item lore. To register your block: GameRegistry.registerBlock(BlockCustom, ItemBlockCustom.class, "YourMod.BlockCustom"; In your ItemBlockCustom.java file: @Override public void addInformation(ItemStack itemstack, EntityPlayer player, List list, boolean par4) { list.add("Some Information"); } I wrote this code from memory, so it may not be correct. It should point you on the right track though Hope this helped! Luis
  13. Just add them to the ore dictionary, forge does the rest!
  14. Hey! For a section of my mod that I am working on at the moment, I need to be able to apply tile entities to a block upon clicking with an item. However, in the onItemUse function, whenever I try to call world.setBlockTileEntity(x, y, z, TileEntityBlockCover) it claims that the final variable is undefined, and I do not know what/how it should be defined as it is a tile entity. Also, if it is useful, I aim to be able to click on any block with this item, and if the block I click on does not already have a TE, I want my TE applied to it to render/use NBT/ do whatever. Thanks in advance! Luis
  15. There is hooks and events for it already. I add two new village houses in my mod. You need a VillageHandler, and a Structure file. I will come back and post some examples of code for you to see tomorrow, when I have access to it...
  16. not really updated So someone needs to bug Overmind to update it. I did. Let me rephrase. Someone in a position of power needs to bug Overmind to update it. Or perhaps we could start a petition? It says on there that he wants it redone for 1.3.2, and so probably for 1.5 also? Maybe it would be easier to have it on a wiki link, so people can just add their block/item IDs themselves. I'm sure having this, ore dict names and liquid dict names all on one page would be useful
  17. Look in the .java file for the block/item you want, and where it registers the icon you use that same code in your block/item. It will not be "MODNAME:texture" but just "texture". If you use this then your block will load the same file as vanilla! Hope this helped Luis
  18. I was looking for a method just like this today...
  19. That list doesn't include liquid dictionary names though. Also I didn't know it existed, sorry...
  20. Maybe this would be easier to read if it were in a table on the wiki page where everyone could edit it? Quick page I made, feel free to edit it! http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Ore_And_Liquid_Dictionary Anyway, my mod DecoCraft adds the following: itemDecoCrystal itemDecoShard itemDecoDullShard ingotElectrum logWood plankWood treeLeaves treeSapling And the liquid dictionary entry of: Dirty Water Oil (BuildCraft) Fuel (Buildcraft)
  21. Don't you need to @Override that? I may be wrong though...
  22. This helped me loads! http://minalien.com/tutorial-multi-block-structures-in-minecraft
  23. That would be correct because the mcmod.info file is just a JSON string. @Mod(modid = "Glacia", name = "Glacia", version = "4.0", acceptedMinecraftVersions = "1.5.2", dependencies = "mod_MinecraftForge") Strangely the dependence "mod_MinecraftForge" is not working with MCP and when there is this string, the mod is not loaded probably because the dependencie is not satisfated... Why? That could be two things... 1) Minecraft forge is not mod_minecraftforge 2) You have defined the dependencies wrong. I was thinking just in the same metadata bit I gave you earlier you could just put data.dependencies as one of the tags, just like in the mcmod.info. Also, do you need to define minecraft forge as a dependency as your mod wouldn't be found without it?
  24. The mcmod.info file in the zip is the most popular way, but you can have the info,action defined in the @PreInit method of your mod file. I do as having it in the zip crashes me for some reason... how can i do this? I did this for mine, there are probably better ways of doing it though. ModMetadata data = event.getModMetadata(); data.name = "Name"; data.version = "Version"; data.url = "website"; data.authorList = Arrays.asList(new String[] {"author1", "author2"}); data.description = "Description"; data.logoFile = "logo file .png"; data.credits = "Any other credits!"; data.autogenerated = false; //Ignore me, just keep me as false Also, the are other things to include in this that I haven't. You can find them in the same file as getModMetadata. I found out how to do this from this tutorial, which has lots of info on how it works. I just adapted it a little ah another thing i checked out the ModMetadata file and i cant find the string theat set the minecraft version dependence of the mod... You're welcome please tell me how can i set mod dependence and version dependences... Same as you would in the mcmod.info file. All the tags are the same
  25. The mcmod.info file in the zip is the most popular way, but you can have the info,action defined in the @PreInit method of your mod file. I do as having it in the zip crashes me for some reason... how can i do this? I did this for mine, there are probably better ways of doing it though. ModMetadata data = event.getModMetadata(); data.name = "Name"; data.version = "Version"; data.url = "website"; data.authorList = Arrays.asList(new String[] {"author1", "author2"}); data.description = "Description"; data.logoFile = "logo file .png"; data.credits = "Any other credits!"; data.autogenerated = false; //Ignore me, just keep me as false Also, the are other things to include in this that I haven't. You can find them in the same file as getModMetadata. I found out how to do this from this tutorial, which has lots of info on how it works. I just adapted it a little ah another thing i checked out the ModMetadata file and i cant find the string theat set the minecraft version dependence of the mod... You're welcome
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