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Everything posted by vemerion

  1. First of all you have to do as dice suggested, and add this to your LaserBoltEntity: @Override public IPacket<?> createSpawnPacket() { return NetworkHooks.getEntitySpawningPacket(this); } Second, it seems like your renderer does nothing. You could look at for example ShulkerBulletRenderer to see how you could render your model.
  2. Does your entity model inherit from AgeableModel? If so you should be able to specify the childBodyScale to make the model smaller.
  3. You could utilize anonymous classes at registration like so: new SwordItem(ModItemTierSup_Pork.SUP_PORK, 3, -1.0F, new Item.Properties().group(ItemGroup.COMBAT)) { @Override public boolean hasEffect(ItemStack stack) { return true; } }
  4. Ok, as far as I know, there is now way to make all items in an item tier glint, but you could make a subclass of TieredItem which all your pork tier items could use, which sets hasEffect to true. Or you could make an anonymous class (which sets hasEffect to true) when registering your pork tier items.
  5. It seems like you are not actually using your ItemFoods class for anything.
  6. Strange, because the PlayerLoggedInEvent fires for me when I log on to a dedicated server. What version are you running? And how are you registering your event listener?
  7. new TranslationTextComponent("block.moleculeforce.copper_ore").applyTextStyle(TextFormatting.GRAY);
  8. The dedicated server is trying to access client only classes (EntityRenderer). You need to set "value = Dist.CLIENT" in your @EventBusSubscriber so that you only load the renderers on the client. You can read more about it here.
  9. Have you set the eula to true in the eula.txt file?
  10. if (Minecraft.getInstance().world != null) If you are struggling with these concepts, I gently suggest taking some time to learn java before starting modding Minecraft. There are dozens java tutorials only a google search away!
  11. You are trying to play a sound in the world before it exists. Make sure that the world is not null before playing the sound.
  12. If you are using 1.15, you can use the addEntity method that the World class has, not sure if this is still true for 1.16.
  13. Override the hasEffect method in your item class to always return true, to get the 'enchantment glint' effect. Edit: Uh oh, I was too late it seems.
  14. Thank you for your response, that was the conclusion I also came to. Now I just need to fire up GIMP for the first time in years and try to make something not too awful
  15. Hello everyone! I have a question which is not directly related to forge, but to Minecraft modding in general. So, I am making a mod that adds creatures which are based on vanilla block, and thus these creatures have textures similar to or identical to some vanilla Minecraft textures. My question is therefore: Is it accepted to use modified vanilla textures in modding, or should I make my own textures completely from scratch? Thanks!
  16. You can't add an entity from the client, you have to use another event, for instance the PlayerTickEvent.
  17. I know it is kind of a band aid on top of a band aid, but if you try to stop the FOV update with FOVUpdateEvent you could more easily observe any speed changes.
  18. Bugs how exactly? Is the speed unchanged, or is it the FOV that is changing as in the previous video you shared?
  19. Hi, and welcome to forge modding! I would strongly recommend updating to a newer version of forge (preferably 1.15.2), since 1.12 is no longer supported on this forum. When you have updated to 1.15.2, I strongly recommend following a tutorial such as Cadiboo's (here), to learn the very basics of forge modding. As for a list of all events, you can find them in Eclipse as detailed here (if you are using Intellij I am sure there is a similar way to achieve it). Hope this helps!
  20. No, you do not need to use deferred registry, you can add a custom keybinding in the FMLClientSetupEvent like so: keyBinding = new KeyBinding("description here", GLFW.GLFW_KEY_P, "category here"); // keyBinding is a static variable ClientRegistry.registerKeyBinding(keyBinding);
  21. You could create a new class that extends net.minecraft.world.gen.feature.Feature, and add that feature to the desert biome. Try looking at the vanilla code features to learn more about them.
  22. You are right, changing MOVEMENT_SPEED also changes the FOV of the player. You could remove the FOV change by listening to FOVUpdateEvent.
  23. Are you sure? This code works for me (and makes the player really fast when using items): @SubscribeEvent public static void onItemUse(LivingEntityUseItemEvent event) { if (event.getEntityLiving() instanceof PlayerEntity) { PlayerEntity player = (PlayerEntity)event.getEntityLiving(); player.getAttribute(SharedMonsterAttributes.MOVEMENT_SPEED).setBaseValue(2); } }
  24. If you can not remove the slowness effect when using your item, you could perhaps instead compensate by increasing the MOVEMENT_SPEED attribute of the player while the player is using the item.
  25. Glad to be of help. Happy modding!
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