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Everything posted by Danebi

  1. Post the debug.log.
  2. Are you trying to start a vanilla or modded server? That command is used to start a vanilla server.
  3. This is an english forum. Talk in english. 30 minutes to download 7 MB?
  4. Danebi


    At least try to hide it...
  5. Post the debug.log.
  6. Can you use a repo? And upload all the files, not only the src.
  7. Shouldn't this be: "aku:block/aku"?
  8. Delete forge-common.toml in the config folder.
  9. Look at the constuctor of BlockItem. It askes for a Block to bind it to. You can give it the same registry name.
  10. This should not be a comment.
  11. Use Github Gist to post your debug.log.
  12. Github Gist
  13. Post the debug.log.
  14. Delete this file: C:\Users\Portatil\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\config\fml.toml
  15. https://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/concepts/resources/#resourcelocation By calling it?
  16. Just giving him the code won't help him at all. Do not use @OnlyIn.
  17. https://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/events/intro/#static-event-handlers
  18. Why are you asking here? This is a Forge forum. Also, learn Java.
  19. Post the debug.log. Also, where did you download the mods?
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