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Everything posted by Danebi

  1. RegistryObject#get.
  2. In your .minecraft\logs folder.
  3. Post the debug.log.
  4. It gives errors because what you are writing isn't valid Java. If you want to mod Minecraft you're supposed to know Java. It has a javadoc but even if it didn't, you can still figure it by yourself. Then learn Java.
  5. You already have the answer here:
  6. Are you using a gamepad?
  7. These methods are registered on the wrong event bus.
  8. Post the debbug.log.
  9. Make your own thread and post logs.
  10. Post the installer log.
  11. NightConfig is the library used by Forge to manage config files. Post the debug.log.
  12. Run jarfix.
  13. What is that? Post the debug.log (You can find it in run\logs).
  14. Use https://gist.github.com/ for logs.
  15. It should be item/generated.
  16. Post the debug.log.
  17. Post the new debug.log.
  18. Make a proper repository with all your code and link it here.
  19. Edit: Sorry, Beethoven92. Didn't see your answer...
  20. Post the debug.log.
  21. Post the logs here.
  22. There should be some error in the log. Post it here.
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