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Everything posted by Nyko

  1. do you know when the PR will be add to Forge?
  2. Hey Guys, i have a create a custom Mountain Biome called Heighland for the Overworld with the following Biome Settings: public static Supplier<Biome> createHeighland() { Biome.BiomeBuilder biomeBuilder = new Biome.BiomeBuilder(); ... biomeBuilder.depth(3.2F); biomeBuilder.scale(0.1F); biomeBuilder.temperature(2.0F); return biomeBuilder::build; } the Heighland Biome has a few Subtypes like Grass Heighlands, DesertHeighlands and so on my problem is now that all Biomes have a Snow Layer and water turns into ice, but it should not since the temperature of the Biome is set to 2.0 which should be hot like the normal Desert or the Nether Biomes any ideas how to fis this?
  3. sorry for the question but when will the example mod be released
  4. so that would generate the feature like the coal ore in the picture: .range(new RangeDecoratorConfiguration(TrapezoidHeight.of(VerticalAnchor.absolute(0), VerticalAnchor.absolute(192), 96)))
  5. omg i stupid Another question what is the difference between Decoratable#rangeUniform and Decoratable#rangeTriangle
  6. okay thanks do you have an idea what i can do instead with a RenderDistance of 8 yes (i normally use the max value)😁
  7. sorry, for asking but is it possible that the VerticalAnchor only work in the positive direction, because i move currently my features into the new world height (-1024<->1024) and if the VerticalAnchor is negativ they will not generate
  8. where do I have to put the file (overworld.json)
  9. can I only use the vanilla values, so like y_min=-64 and height=384 or its possible to create a larger world? so like y_min=-256 and height= 512?
  10. Minecraft 1.17 update is out and the Forge version is finally out too, vanilla's datapack makes it possible to change the height of the world, is this also possible for a mod? if it is possible how do i change the height?
  11. thanks, I changed my event like this and it works @SubscribeEvent public static void biomeLoadingRemove(BiomeLoadingEvent event) { Category category = event.getCategory(); BiomeGenerationSettingsBuilder genBuilder = event.getGeneration(); if (category == Category.THEEND) { } else if (category == Category.NETHER) { } else { for (Decoration stage : GenerationStage.Decoration.values()) { genBuilder.getFeatures(stage).removeIf((supplier) -> { ConfiguredFeature<?, ?> configuredFeature = supplier.get(); for (ConfiguredFeature<?, ?> feature : configuredFeature.getFeatures().collect(Collectors.toList())) { if (feature.feature instanceof OreFeature) { return true; } } return false; }); } } }
  12. As the title suggests, I can modify vanilla biome, more precisely, I cannot remove any feature. The one below is currently my BiomeLoadingEvent in which I am trying to remove all OreFetures from all overworld vanilla biomes. I've tried a lot of manual iterating, removeIf, but all of them return false when checking for the correct feature. @SubscribeEvent public static void biomeLoadingRemove(BiomeLoadingEvent event) { Category category = event.getCategory(); BiomeGenerationSettingsBuilder genBuilder = event.getGeneration(); if (category == Category.THEEND) { } else if (category == Category.NETHER) { } else { for (Decoration stage : GenerationStage.Decoration.values()) { genBuilder.getFeatures(stage).removeIf((supplier) -> { ConfiguredFeature<?, ?> configuredFeature = supplier.get(); return configuredFeature.feature() instanceof OreFeature; }); } } } am I doing something wrong, and if so, what? thanks for replies
  13. learn basic java, mod means modification, also this class from your own mod and not from minecraft forge api which is why you have to create this class first due the error if you want to create a custom dimension expand the dimension class (net.minecraft.world.dimension.Dimension) or anywhere in (net.minecraft.world)
  14. there is an event in which I can change the rendering of items, I need the event to render an overlay for each item (like the enchantment glint effect) thanks for replies
  15. in short I would like to change the minecraft vanilla enchantment glint so that depending on the enchantment the glint effect has a different color (e.g. FireProtection has an red / orange glint effect and so on). is there an easy way to implement this?
  16. As already stated in the title, I would like to know if there is an easy way to combine ItemStacks? My problem at the moment is that I have a list with ItemStacks and want to combine them, which means if the list contains 10 times of stone with a count of 10. form that I want to make a list with 2 times of stone from it which means the count of the items in total are the same so i have two stack with the count 64 and 36. is this possible/ is there a simple way to do that?
  17. As the title suggests, I would like to add a mod written by myself to my mod as a library, because it contains a few methods and classes that I can use very well in my new mod. now my question i can simply add the mod as a library to my project? and if so, do i have to add something to my mod / gradle that minecraft know that this mod is needed?
  18. okay I think my question was not very clear, I know that a TER needs a model but where does the Bell TER get the model from since it does not have the eg. the shulkerchest has its own Java model
  19. in the model of the bell or in which json file do you mean?
  20. I'm currently working on a mod that should add industry things. now i have encountered the following problem: when my machine has got electricity, a wheel should turn now my question is it possible to move a part / group of the json model? I looked at the bell as an example and tried to understand how exactly Minecraft annoyed the bell to ring, but I don't understand where minecraft gets the model of the bell from. how does minecraft create the model?
  21. thanks for the info, since the whole thing sounds pretty complicated, I will probably not change it
  22. it is possible to create a custom save format Edit: or copy one from a old version like 1.15
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