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Everything posted by troublemaker_47

  1. Thank you, but i have done that already, but i still can't get the wood type
  2. Hello, i am trying to add a new axe that would mine an entire tree, however i can not detect the type of wood that is broken so i can only break it, could someone help me find the solution for this
  3. Hello guys, i am trying to create a mod in Minceraft 1.20.1 for a armor set that gives special effects when worn, and i want to use the onArmorTick method overridden in my custom armor class, but i came to find out that it is being deprecated, and i can't use it anymore. Can you help me find a substitute for this method? I really appreciate all help!
  4. well i do know java but i am not experienced at all with minecrat modding
  5. when i type override addInformation it says cannot resolve symbol addInformation
  6. i know that they are the same implementation of addinformation. so does that mean that i have to call it like this MY_ITEM.addInformation
  7. Will it still work if all my items were in the same class
  8. Hello i am creating a mod to add new features and items to minecraft but i need to set a custom description to help the user know how to use the item. Can anyone help me do the custom descriptions? My forge version is 1.16.5-36.0.43 All the files are in my github troublemaker-47/better-armour (github.com)
  9. now i get it. Tank you so much you have really made my day
  10. Thank you but do i have to declare Feature
  11. Thank you but do i have to declare Feature
  12. By the way do you know how to resolve this??? Bad return type in lambda expression: Ingredient cannot be converted to ConfiguredFeature<?, ?> @SubscribeEvent public static void onBiomeLoading(final BiomeLoadingEvent event) { if (event.getCategory() != Biome.Category.NETHER && event.getCategory() != Biome.Category.THEEND) { OreFeatureConfig feature = new OreFeatureConfig(OreFeatureConfig.FillerBlockType.BASE_STONE_OVERWORLD, RegistryHandler.MY_ORE.get().getDefaultState(), 6); event.getGeneration().getFeatures(GenerationStage.Decoration.UNDERGROUND_ORES).add( () -> { Ingredient.fromItems(RegistryHandler.MY_ORE.get()); return Ingredient.fromItems(RegistryHandler.MY_ORE.get());<------- //here is the error } ); } }
  13. Thank you so much i think i now hava everything i need
  14. Thank You So Much. But can you tell me where can i find the vanilla default ore generation file
  15. Btw can i substitute if (event.getCategory() == Biome.Category.TAIGA || event.getCategory() == Biome.Category.SWAMP) for something that can include all the overworld biomes
  16. I know that i can take a look at that but i dont know where to find it
  17. Hello, i am trting to create a mod in minecraft, i pretty much completed it all, but the part that i cant get to work is the custom ore generation. Can somebody please tell me what else can i use besides CountRangeConfig which does not exist.
  18. Sorry for bothering you once again but can you write the code that would teleport the player that amount of blocks ahead once i have player.getLookVec().scale(2.0F).add(player.getPositionVec());
  19. I have taken a look at said class but the only thing that i can access from said class in the register method.
  20. I already figured how to scale and add the values together but i dont know the syntax for TeleportCommand
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