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Everything posted by Draco18s

  1. That usually happens when you screw up your slot indexes.
  2. Might also be worth looking at how vanilla handles the Advancements screen.
  3. Draco18s


    1.12 is no longer supported here.
  4. So, if it is the wrong item, destroy it?
  5. Well, how long is it? How do you know? Also, the tick events usually have a Phase (START and END) as well as occasionally sub-events (Pre and Post) so if you don't pick one, your code runs more than once per tick.
  6. It does nothing. You created a method that will never be called.
  7. Yes. They're just editors. The shortcuts, layout, and such are going to be different, but that's just a preferences thing. Its like asking "oh, can I search the internet with Bing instead of Google?" Yes. Yes you can.
  8. Your IDE is irrelevant, you don't need to include it. You could be using Notepad++ and the oregen process wouldn't change. You'd have a harder time navigating files, but that's it.
  9. Look it up. http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/ Also, use ObfuscationReflectionHelper.
  10. Also don't post code as images.
  11. "Building" is a list of one hundred thousand* things that need to be done, in order, in order to run the game. They must be done every time, they must be done in order, they must ALL be done. How would you do it faster? *Arbitrarily large number
  12. Well. Do you call .tickRandomly() on your BlockProperties? If yes: then it will tick at random If no: where are you scheduling your next tick?
  13. ...noooo, it uses the tick method (updateTick from previous versions). I'm looking at it right now. Which...is also called randomly or by schedule, depending on the block. Farmland is random. Also also, randomDisplayTick doesn't exist any more either, its now called animateTick. Put @Override on your damn methods.
  14. Ok, so: That method is only called on the client side and can't actually change the block state. That method is not called every tick. Its called randomly.
  15. Where are you calling that from?
  16. *cough* SlotItemHandler *cough*
  17. Btw the only thing my packet system handles is a Prospecting effect to tell the client to draw some particles. You want to transfer TE info, getUpdatePacket and getUpdateTag exist.
  18. Turns out I was kind of right:
  19. Because that's not the name of that field in the obfuscated environment.
  20. 1.12 is no longer supported
  21. You told it "I don't have a model" and you're surprised by this.
  22. Soooo...your blockstate and block model files? Because your block class is basically irrelevant.
  23. This is fine, just pointing out that Blocks.OAK_LEAVES will contain the same value, so it isn't really necessary.
  24. I wasn't sure if there the information was accessible, or if the actual handler got wrapped in something by the JVM, effectively hiding the true signature.
  25. It probably can't. By the time the lambda is passed to the method, the fact that it was generic was probably irretrievably lost.
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