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uSkizzik last won the day on November 30 2021

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  1. Post it in a paste website. No one is going to download a random file
  2. "Can't find attribute minecraft:generic.attack_damage"
  3. Screens have nothing to do with this. The whole point is to display multiple entity views at once while playing the game.
  4. 1. Don't create multiple posts 2. We need logs, otherwise we can't help.
  5. Alright, so, I have a question. Is it possible to display multiple cameras when spectating as an entity? How would I achieve that? I know ServerPlayer handles the spectating of entities and accepts a single camera but Platin told me it might be possible to have multiple cameras displaying at once.
  6. First off, what's the error? Second, can you show your ModSpawnEggItem class? And third, is that class really needed? Forge provides a spawn egg class, you don't need a custom one unless you want additional behavior.
  7. Nope, 1.16 is going to stay as LTS and 1.17 is getting a 1 month grace period.
  8. Your issue is coming from Modern UI
  9. Bump
  10. It's CreativeTab in 1.17
  11. I've been trying to fix this for a very long time to no success. One of my entity's heads isn't rotating around the right place despite the pivot being set to the correct position (according to BlockBench) and not being touched. Here's my model class: https://github.com/Skizzium/Project-Apple/blob/Development-FG1.17.1/src/main/java/com/skizzium/projectapple/entity/boss/skizzik/client/model/SkizzikModel.java And here's my geo file: https://github.com/Skizzium/Project-Apple/blob/Development-FG1.17.1/src/main/resources/assets/skizzik/geo/skizzik.geo.json Before taking a look, please keep in mind my entity is using GeckoLib, but the issue itself isn't caused by said library. I've also attached an image of the broken head.
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