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Everything posted by OutCraft

  1. Please post the server log. If there isn't any, look at this:
  2. Hi! I finally got it to work! For all who have the same problem: I made a new mod with the same modid and copied the src folder into the new. I don't know why or how but it worked
  3. Did you update structurize to 1.18.2-1.0.379-BETA?
  4. Oh ok, what happens if you remove it?
  5. Nevermind, there are errors in sodium, rubidium and snowee. Try without these mods
  6. Yes that was what I meant. But I can't find any errors in your debug.log beside of
  7. On the toolbar there's an "eye", click on it. Inside the box that shows up you can paste it in
  8. Hi! Please post the debug.log. Because you are using curse launcher you need to enable it first
  9. Hi! I think the mod midnight is causing the issue, but sadly 1.12 isn't supported anymore so I can't help you more than that (Supported versions are 1.16.5 & 1.18.2)
  10. Also you are doing the same in
  11. Here you are calling but you need to call the register method of
  12. Oh thanks, didn't see it
  13. Also please show the class com.kolan.thoriummod.Event.CommonModEvents
  14. Hi! Try removing Immersive Weathering, there's an error in their crafting recipe
  15. Hi! Please post the debug.log. If you're using curse launcher you need to enable it first. Also your link doesn't work. My last tip: if you've added world gen mods try removing them first.
  16. Hi! Try removing CodeChickenLib and the Mods that depend on it. If it still doesn't work post the updated debug.log (not crash.txt)
  17. Hi! otherBE will return null in two cases: 1. as Luis_ST already said if the position is not loaded ( not in "render distance") 2. The block doesn't have a BlockEntitiy. You can find out if it has one by running the command /data get block <x> <y> <z> in-game. Blocks that have a BlockEntitiy are Containers, Command Blocks, Beehives, Signs and everything else that stores information without a blockstate
  18. Hi! This means that Has a character inside it, that is not a-z 0-9 or /._-, in this case the big I in impostor. Registry names are always lowercase
  19. I really don't know what is causing the issue. As you can see here p_144538_.build(function, function1).ifLeft((p_144543_) -> { LOGGER.error("Couldn't load tag {} as it is missing following references: {}", p_144537_, p_144543_.stream().map(Objects::toString).collect(Collectors.joining(", "))); }) ~ net.minecraft.tags.TagLoader.class line 158 - 160 it only throws this error if the Entry is "left" (I have no Idea what this means) So when is the entry left? in the build function of net.minecraft.tags.Tag$Builder return list.isEmpty() ? Either.right(new Tag<>(builder.build())) : Either.left(list); ~ net.minecraft.tags.Tag$Builder line 93 (in whole class) you can see that it only returns an Either.left if the list is empty, but the list will only be empty if each of the entries loop over if (!tag$builderentry.entry().build(p_144372_, p_144373_, builder::add)) { list.add(tag$builderentry); } ~ net.minecraft.tags.Tag$Builder line 88 - 90 (whole class) and every single entry returns true here: tag$builderentry.entry().build(p_144372_, p_144373_, builder::add) What does the build function do and when does it return true? Thanks for any help, I really don't know what to do Sorry if anything is wrong here, that is just what I understood from the code
  20. As you can see there are more than one of these errors (every time I try to add something to a tag) Also the mod's id is tastydishes (I just used examplemod because... I use examplemod every time)
  21. Hi! I never worked with minecraft tags and have no Idea why this isn't working. Here is the whole file: { "replace": false, "values": [ "testmod:test_block" ] } That's it.
  22. Replace the getShareTag function with the getOrCreateTagElement function
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