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Everything posted by OutCraft

  1. Because you can't access inventory there's a getter that "gets" it for you
  2. Hi! CompoundNBT works like this: 1. you get the Compound from super 2. you add things to it (there are methods for this) 3. you store it by returning it to the function But I think you are in the wrong function. I'm not sure, however, I think you need to do this in a special method called only once
  3. Hi! You can ctrl-click on class and function names on eclipse to get to the source. Additionally, you can find the whole source in your project browser. This is just preference. I like eclipse but I don't know if you do.
  4. Hi! This is the error: You have somewhere a negative bound that doesn't let minecraft generate the aquifier. Hope this helps
  5. Update 2: I found a forge project that also uses "drawTexturedModalRect", but I can't find it in 1.18.2
  6. Hi! I have no Idea about Terrain gen, but these underground lake caves are called aquifers and I think they have nothing to do with lakes. I don't know much about Terrain gen so could be wrong but I'm pretty sure. Hope this helps
  7. Hi! On the Mohist Website it says: 1.18.2 (testing): "Important: Mohist 1.18.2 is still experimental and the plugin compatibility is very close to 0%. If you plan to use it for production, please wait for it to be stable." So you just need to wait for it to get stable, I think
  8. Update: I found some fabric code where there is a method called drawTextureRectangle or something like that, but on forge this method doesn't exist. Am I missing something?
  9. Hi! I want to draw a png file as Title on a screen, but I have no Idea how to do this. Thanks for any help
  10. So I removed all mods (still Forge but without mods) and it is still crashing! It's the same crash report, just without all the mods. Should I update the log? I really have no idea what to do now
  11. Nope, still doesn't work. Changed the Github Gist to the new log and crash reprt without Journeymap, same link
  12. Which Minecraft Version are you using?
  13. Hi! Try removing the mod weeping_angels, I think it's causing the issue
  14. Hi! My Minecraft is recently random crashing when I join a server and walk around a little bit. When I stand still or play singleplayer everything works fine. Optifine isn't the issue, game crashes also without Optifine. Here is the debug.log and the crash report. If you need any other information feel free to ask Edit: It doesn't crash instantly, sometimes after 1 min, sometimes after 10 hours playtime. But if it crashes, it keeps crashing on the same server
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