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Everything posted by OutCraft

  1. Do you use the Mojang or MCP mappings? Also you can just search in your IDE for something like RenderEvent and it should show up
  2. 1.16.5, but you need to change to ModEntityTypes.FIRE_CRACKER.get() because your EntityTypes class is named "ModEntityTypes"
  3. But you need a texture for the Item, otherwise it's just black-pink
  4. Vanilla does this in the Client renderer registry: @SubscribeEvent public static void registerEntityRenders(EntityRenderersEvent.RegisterRenderers event) { event.registerEntityRenderer(EntityList.FIRE_CRACKER.get(), ThrownItemRenderer::new); } I did the same and now it works!
  5. I added this, but it crashes because it doesn't have a renderer. Does your Entity have a renderer?
  6. I copied your code and tried it, but for me it crashes: "java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.EntityRenderer.shouldRender(net.minecraft.world.entity.Entity, net.minecraft.client.renderer.culling.Frustum, double, double, double)" because "entityrenderer" is null" This means that the Entity doesn't have a renderer or model. Does it crash also for you?
  7. Are you on 1.16.5?
  8. ... Try changing the extending class from FirecrackerEntity to just Entity
  9. Also not when you summon it?
  10. First: Can you see a white cube when Bounding boxes (F3 + B) are enabled and you throw it?
  11. Can I inject or override a private method without using Mixin?
  12. Then test if this line is being executed (print something in console etc.) Edit: Also: does the Entity have a model? Try throwing it with Bounding boxes (F3 + B) enabled
  13. Does /summon yourmodid:fire_cracker work?
  14. Sorry but I really have no Idea
  15. Try running the jar through console: java -jar <name-of-your-installer-with-.jar-at-the-end> Or try using jarfix
  16. First you need to run "cd C:\Users\jsphb\Desktop\". Then you can run "java -jar forge-1.16.5-36.2.20-installer.jar". Sorry for the bad explanation at this point, I just wanted to use another word for running because else the text sounds unnormal. I hope it works Edit: Oh, I saw that too late But one thing: If you want to program mods or anything other with java, you need to know these three commands. You don't need to learn them, there are quite easy, but don't forget them: <drive>: <- Changing the Drive you're in cd <path> <- Changing the Path java -jar <file with .jar at the end>: <- Running a jar file manually that is in the selected path Just don't forget them, these three are the most important commands (and I think the only ones) you need for programming java
  17. How to navigate to the file: Open the command prompt and type the name of the drive the file is in. If the file is in C:/Users/yourUser/desktop execute "c:" in the command prompt. If the file is in D:/ThisIsAFolder execute "d:" etc. Now navigate to the file. Type cd and the path. Example: "cd C:/this/is/the/path/to/the/installer" Now you can run "java -jar installerName.jar" I hope this helps
  18. Hi! You can get the movement as Vector3 with Entity.getDeltaMovement()
  19. Try running the installer through console: "java -jar forge-installer-name-i-dont-know-how-you-named-the-file.jar" This should output an error message, post it here
  20. Which problems? I thought your method is working
  21. Then look at how DebugRenderer renders the color and make the same in your renderNameTag function, if DebugRenderer isn't working for you
  22. I think you can't set the name in gradle, just in eclipse. But the name shouldn't reset normally (when I rebuild it doesn't reset)
  23. Points to the waypoint or is at the position of the waypoint?
  24. I don't understand what you're calculating
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