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Everything posted by warjort

  1. You don't have any data in your packet? You should read the "Handling Information" section here: https://forge.gemwire.uk/wiki/Main_Page/1.18 The actual handling on the client will involve getting the player from Minecraft.getInstance() then updating the capability with the data from the packet. I assume you only want the player to know about its own money. Players knowing about every other player's money on the client needs handling in a different way using broadcasting and entity ids.
  2. You need some network message(s) to synchronize the capability state with the client. Then you can just access it. You don't explain what kind of capability it is, accessing the capability means getting a reference to the object the capability is attached to, e.g. the player is on the minecraft instance.
  3. Passing 0 here means no updates are performed. Using the value 2 will send updates to the client. See ServerLevel.markAndNotify() used by setBlock() or you could just use setBlockAndUpdate() which passes the value 3 (so it also notifies neighbouring blocks of the change). There is supposed to be a vanilla class somewhere that holds the values of these bits, but I don't know the name of it. ๐Ÿ™‚
  4. The issue has been fixed in 1.19: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/issues/8853 You should report it as bug if it also occurs in 1.18 A simple workaround is to type the command while in the nether to make sure 0,0 is always loaded.
  5. Update your java to something that is not prehistoric. ๐Ÿ™‚
  6. java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: inventory at snownee.jade.addon.create.ContraptionProvider.appendServerData(ContraptionProvider.java:36) ~[JadeAddons-1.18.2-2.0.0.jar%2389!/:2.0.0] {re:classloading} at snownee.jade.addon.create.ContraptionProvider.appendServerData(ContraptionProvider.java:20) ~[JadeAddons-1.18.2-2.0.0.jar%2389!/:2.0.0] {re:classloading} at mcp.mobius.waila.network.RequestEntityPacket$Handler.lambda$onMessage$0(RequestEntityPacket.java:57) ~[%5B็Ž‰%20๐Ÿ”%5D%20Jade-1.18.2-forge-5.2.1.jar%2372!/:5.2.1] Issue with jade addons, make sure you have the latest version then contact the mod author.
  7. Looks like an issue with effective_fg. Make sure you have the latest version the contact the mod author.
  8. Issue with brutalbosses, make sure you have the latest version then contact the mod author.
  9. See: https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/114981-render-thread-error-on-intellij-apple-silicon-m1/
  10. The things you are describing sound like curseforge issues. It's not the same thing as minecraftforge. Ask for help here: https://support.curseforge.com/en/support/home
  11. Yes for the event name. For the furnace ticker look at BlastFurnaceBlock.getTicker() and how its helper method creates a server side ticker for AbstractFurnaceBlockEntity.serverTick() The "litTime" in the BlockEntity would be equivalent to your ticks.
  12. In 1.18.2 it is called WorldTickEvent I think if you subscribe to TickEvent you will get all tick events; server, level, player, etc. ? So you will get a lot more events than you want. As described above, you need to look at event.phase (either START or END) otherwise you will be doubling counting. Similarly, you might want to check event.side if you don't want your code to run on both the logical client and server, usually ticking is only done on the client to support things like animations. Finally, you can't store the ticking/ticks like you are probably doing. What if there are 2 blocks that you need to tick? What if somebody restarts the game while it is ticking. What is going to save/reload the ticking/ticks state? See the comments above about capabilities for how to solve this.
  13. You can find the forge renames here: https://gist.github.com/SizableShrimp/882a671ff74256d150776da08c89ef72 The vanishing StructureFeatures is a Mojang change. The "equivalent" is now called StructureTypes which you can find in the vanilla Registry class. I know very little about structures in 1.18, 1.19 or any other version so I can't help you with the rest of your question. ๐Ÿ™‚
  14. This is an error with the elementalswords mod. Make sure you have the latest version then contact the mod author.
  15. This is an error in a some configuration for structure processors. Either in a datapack you added or one of your mods. One of the things mentioned in that json is "stoneholm". According to curseforge, this mod does not have a version that is compatible with 1.18.2 https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/stoneholm-forge/files
  16. Your other questions would be better directed at Mojang/Microsoft. ๐Ÿ™‚
  17. This shows a crash after a server tick took more than 60 seconds. Mojang automatically crash the server when this happens assuming something is very wrong and that you will have something that restarts it. The stacktrace is a snapshot of what is happening at 60 seconds so it may or may not show what was actually taking a long time. In this case, it is that mixin again I mentioned earlier. Where it is searching for a feature using the chunk generator. From that it looks like one of yungsapi, betterdeserttemples, pollen or byg is responsible for the mixin. It might not be this mixin that is the cause, beyond what I said above, it could be some other mod "breaking" the chunk generator. But the fact this mixin has shown up twice now means it is something you should research with those mod authors.
  18. Normally there are 2 ways to get a block to tick. Use a BlockEntity (like a furnace keeping track of burn time) or have the block implement random ticking (like crop growth). You can also use the LevelTickEvent to implement more generic things, but for your usecase you will then have the problem of where to keep track of per block state. You might for example attach a capability to the LevelChunk that contains the block to hold the data? See DataStorage here: https://forge.gemwire.uk/wiki/Main_Page
  19. That 16 threads might be misleading, I am not sure what number it is reporting. e.g. whether it the total numbers of cores you have or something else.
  20. Minecraft only has 1 server thread, its not a multithreaded game. It has other threads to offload work, like the network thread but they will likely be I/O bound. A useful metric might be to divide 100% by the 16 threads you have. That gives one thread (e.g. the server thread) running at full throttle being 6.25% of total cpu available.
  21. Another thing it might be is your gradle cache is corrupted and you have an incomplete download of one the jars? If you exit your ide, then delete YOUR_HOME_DIRECTORY/.gradle/caches/forge_gradle that will mean everything gets redownloaded.
  22. Can you run the vanilla game or the mdk on that machine?
  23. I don't see anything in that log. The problem is the code in net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main is poorly written by Mojang. Pseudo code: try { // initialise } catch (Throwable throwable1) { // create for crash report } It looks like creating the crash report itself is crashing, so we can't see the real error "throwable1"? You could try to run it using a debugger to see what throwable1 is.
  24. The error says there is something wrong with initializing the render system/opengl. Maybe the logs/debug.log has more information?
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