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Everything posted by redria7

  1. Short answer: Add your blockType array to your main mod class as private static final string[] using the names you want to display. Put this code in your main mod class after the registerRenderers() function is called. TreeSmall_Logs is whatever the name of your block class will be. Now go to your TreeSmall_Logs_IB class and add the method: Longer more detailed and explanatory answer... go here: http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Metadata_Based_Subblocks Yay tutorials?
  2. I'm curious and I'm not sure where I'd even begin to look. Without becoming a core mod, is there a way for a block to lower the light levels around it besides acting like a beacon and providing buffs? Basically suppressing the light around it by one or two levels. I can't see it being particularly possible from what I know.
  3. Does it give you the option to continue loading the world with mismatched ids? If so, copy your world somewhere else, creating a backup, and then start up Minecraft and load the world and see what happens. If all of your things disappear/turn into sand, or if it crashes or nothing at all loads, come back here and let us know. I doubt I can actually help any problems, but more info is always a good thing.
  4. (small bump) I am using the recommended version of Forge and the latest version of Minecraft in case anyone ignored this post since I didn't specify. I did word for word the instructions given on at least 5 different tutorials (all of which were exactly the same) and mine (or ours) seems to be the only one not working. There are no actual errors so I don't even think there's an error log I can post. Are there any common mistakes that might give us this result?
  5. I am trying to install Forge initially to be able to install a mod. I cleared all of my minecraft data and started up the launcher to download a fresh new minecraft.jar file. I opened the jar, copied over the contents of the forge zip file, deleted META-INF, and started up minecraft. It proceeded through its normal loading screen and entered into vanilla minecraft. No extra folders were added anywhere in the minecraft appdata directory. Forge is not displayed anywhere on the minecraft title screen. Nothing changed when I ran the launcher. What could I be doing wrong? I followed a video step by step.
  6. I was having this problem earlier this morning/last night. The problem I finally found was that my renderer needed to be initialized. I thought I had properly initialized it in my ClientProxy class but the method was never being called. First, check your ClientProxy class. You need a method in here - it doesn't matter what it's named, but for logic's sake call it InitRendering(): This assumes you have named your tile entity class RoofTileEntity, and your rendering class RoofTileEntityRenderer. Change these accordingly. Now go to your CommonProxy class. You extended CommonProxy with ClientProxy and InitRendering() should be overriding a method, so you need a method InitRendering() in the CommonProxy class so you can override it. Add one that does nothing: Now you can use a ClientProxy version of the CommonProxy object to call the real InitRendering() method. Next comes voodoo black magic I don't understand. You should already have some code in your main mod class that looks like: Somehow this makes the variable "proxy" a ClientProxy version of CommonProxy. Anyway. At the end of the load (FMLInitializationEvent event) method in your main mod class, add one extra line of code: This should finally tell Minecraft where your custom rendering class is. Now you just have to go back and adjust your image path until the renderer can find your .png file. Use the Warning output as a nice indicator of where it is trying to find a file vs where it actually is. Assuming that was your problem. If not, good luck
  7. Related to this discussion on ModLoader vs Forge commands, I have the method public static void registerTileEntity(Class<? extends TileEntity> tileEntityClass, String id) But I am unsure on how this will connect to my TileEntityRenderer class. My block works except I can't seem to attach the proper rendering to it. How do I connect my TileEntityRenderer class to the block to make sure my rendering gets used?
  8. Interesting. Thank you. So why would the game try to start shutting down the server the moment I place the last block of the recipe?
  9. Hi. I'm new to modding (about 24 hours) but I have plenty of JAVA experience. I am trying to make several small mods just playing around with the API to get comfortable before I try anything big and one block I'm trying to add is a custom pressure plate. I copied my pressure plate instantiation from block.Block.java and added a pressure plate class extends BlockPressurePlate to be able to call the constructor. Forge seems to find the texture alright, but then it gives the error: While starting up minecraft. Then the game runs fine until the moment I place the second block of the recipe and the server starts shutting down before the game crashes and I have to stop the process through task manager. My only thought is that it has to be something to do with my BlockObsidianPressurePlate class because that is the only difference between my code and the vanilla code. Any thoughts anyone? ___ It helps to register blocks. I had been playing with too many new items and forgot to register my block after making it. Thanks to diesieben07 for pointing out that there was no error message about my block.
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