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Everything posted by Nieue

  1. Thanks for responding. I didn't think of any of the things you pointed out. I get it now. Have a nice day, and thanks for all of the hard work on forge
  2. If it were to be possible, could there be a way inside of Forge that checks the oredictionary in a better way than the recent one? This is very vague, so I'll give you an example of what I mean: Subject: Copper The player has 3 different mods installed that all add 3 different types of Copper (ingot, ore, dust, etc. [if there is any more]) They all have configured their Copper in the correct way Before loading the game, Forge goes through the mods to find if there are any items/blocks in the mod that use the oredictionary in the correct way. Forge finds them, and replaces all of them with Forges own Copper (ingot, ore, dust, etc.) When the player loads the world, he will only find 1 type of Copper Ore, Ingot, Dust, etc. Thanks for reading
  3. Just go into minecraft 1.6 survival and eat a golden apple, you'll see
  4. Ah, and in the end, the line will be with all 4 items, right?
  5. Okay, so I got the boots to work, but when I try to do it so that when you also wear the leggings it gives you two more hearts it doesn't work. Here's my code (the leggings are not working) package assets.caves_of_millarki.client; import java.util.EnumSet; import assets.caves_of_millarki.common.Mainclass; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.potion.PotionEffect; import cpw.mods.fml.common.ITickHandler; import cpw.mods.fml.common.TickType; public class MillarkiTickHandler implements ITickHandler { private static int absorption = 22; @Override public void tickStart(EnumSet<TickType> type, Object... tickData) { playerTick((EntityPlayer) tickData[0]); } @Override public void tickEnd(EnumSet<TickType> type, Object... tickData) { // Nothing in here unless you want it to do something when the tick ends... } @Override public EnumSet<TickType> ticks() { return EnumSet.of(TickType.PLAYER); } @Override public String getLabel() { return null; } // This is the important method, that is where you put your armour effect code in. public void playerTick(EntityPlayer player) { // Armour effect example if(player.getCurrentArmor(0) != null) { if(player.getCurrentArmor(0).itemID == Mainclass.PureStoneBoots.itemID) { player.addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(absorption, 5, 0)); } { if(player.getCurrentArmor(0).itemID == Mainclass.PureStoneLegs.itemID) { player.addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(absorption, 5, 0)); } } }}}
  6. The first code doesnt have code
  7. Thanks, that worked perfectly! Pretty much a derp from me But I still need help with the armor
  8. Absorption is what you get when you eat a golden apple in 1.6, you also get regeneration. Absorption gives you 2 extra hearts
  9. I want to be able to give the player a potion effect when it is wearing armor. Also, a bit more specific, when it is wearing a specific piece. So for example, when the player wears a helmet it gives him 2 hearts of absorption. When he wears the chestplate it gives him the same, but when he wears both it gives him 4 hearts of absorption. How would I go about doing this when I have this armor class: Also, I created a custom crafting table, but the recipes don't work. In 1.5 they did, what am I doing wrong now? Block: Crafting Manager: Recipe Sorter: Gui: GuiHandler: Slot: Thanks already
  10. Yes, please do this someone!
  11. I'd rather wait for when it is possiblein a way like normal armor is
  12. I'll send it to you in PM
  13. Yep, just wait a minute
  14. Yes: 2013-07-24 17:46:30 [iNFO] [sTDOUT] HELLOOOOOO
  15. Because it still doesn't render
  16. So what is the next step?
  17. So if I'm correct it should be like this: package assets.blutricity.common; import cpw.mods.fml.client.registry.ClientRegistry; public class CommonProxy { public void registerRenderers() { } } package assets.blutricity.client; import assets.blutricity.common.CommonProxy; import assets.blutricity.common.TileEntitySolarPanel; import assets.blutricity.common.TileEntitySolarPanelRenderer; import net.minecraftforge.client.MinecraftForgeClient; import cpw.mods.fml.client.registry.ClientRegistry; import cpw.mods.fml.client.registry.RenderingRegistry; public class ClientProxy extends CommonProxy { @Override public void registerRenderers() { System.out.println("HELLOOOOOO"); ClientRegistry.bindTileEntitySpecialRenderer(TileEntitySolarPanel.class, new TileEntitySolarPanelRenderer()); } } package assets.blutricity.common; import assets.blutricity.client.ClientProxy; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.block.material.Material; import net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs; import net.minecraft.item.Item; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import cpw.mods.fml.client.registry.ClientRegistry; import cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod; import cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod.Init; import cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod.Instance; import cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod.PreInit; import cpw.mods.fml.common.SidedProxy; import cpw.mods.fml.common.event.FMLInitializationEvent; import cpw.mods.fml.common.event.FMLPreInitializationEvent; import cpw.mods.fml.common.network.NetworkMod; import cpw.mods.fml.common.network.NetworkRegistry; import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry; import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.LanguageRegistry; @Mod(modid = Mainclass.modid, name = "Project: Blu", version = "1.0") @NetworkMod(clientSideRequired = true, serverSideRequired = false, channels = {"craftable_end_portal"}) public class Mainclass { public static final String modid = "blutricity"; public static Block BluFurnaceIdle; public static Block BluFurnaceLit; public static Block BluAlloyFurnaceIdle; public static Block BluAlloyFurnaceLit; public static Block SolarPanel; public static Block BatteryBox; public static Block AlloyWire; public static Block kv_10_Wire; public static Block MV_1_Wire; public static Block VoltageTransformer; public static Block Thermopile; public static Block ChargingBench; public static Item BluMotor; public static Item BluSilicon; public static Item BluIngot; public static Item CopperCoil; public static Item TinIngot; public static Item CopperIngot; public static Item BrassIngot; public static Item SilverIngot; public static Item Nikolite; public static Item Battery; public static Item VoltMeter; @SidedProxy(clientSide = "assets.blutricity.client.ClientProxy", serverSide = "assets.blutricity.common.CommonProxy") [b]public static CommonProxy proxy; [/b]@Instance public static Mainclass instance = new Mainclass(); private GuiHandler guihandler = new GuiHandler(); @PreInit public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent event) { //Blocks BluFurnaceIdle = new BluFurnace(1000, false).setHardness(5.0F).setUnlocalizedName("blufurnaceidle").setCreativeTab(BluTab); BluFurnaceLit = new BluFurnace(1001, true).setHardness(5.0F).setUnlocalizedName("blufurnacelit"); BluAlloyFurnaceIdle = new BluAlloyFurnace(1002, false).setHardness(5.0F).setUnlocalizedName("bluealloyidle").setCreativeTab(BluTab); BluAlloyFurnaceLit = new BluAlloyFurnace(1003, true).setHardness(5.0F).setUnlocalizedName("blualloylit"); SolarPanel = new SolarPanel(1004).setHardness(5.0F).setUnlocalizedName("solarpanel").setCreativeTab(BluTab); //BatteryBox = new BatteryBox(1005).setHardness(5.0F).setUnlocalizedName("batterybox").setCreativeTab(BluTab); //Items BluMotor = new BluMotor(15000).setUnlocalizedName("blumotor").setCreativeTab(BluTab); BluSilicon = new BluSilicon(15001).setUnlocalizedName("blusilicon").setCreativeTab(BluTab); BluIngot = new BluIngot(15002).setUnlocalizedName("bluingot").setCreativeTab(BluTab); CopperCoil = new CopperCoil(15003).setUnlocalizedName("coppercoil").setCreativeTab(BluTab); TinIngot = new TinIngot(15004).setUnlocalizedName("tiningot").setCreativeTab(BluTab); CopperIngot = new CopperIngot(15005).setUnlocalizedName("copperingot").setCreativeTab(BluTab); SilverIngot = new SilverIngot(15006).setUnlocalizedName("silveringot").setCreativeTab(BluTab); BrassIngot = new BrassIngot(15007).setUnlocalizedName("brassingot").setCreativeTab(BluTab); Nikolite = new Nikolite(15008).setUnlocalizedName("nikolite").setCreativeTab(BluTab); Battery = new Battery(15009).setUnlocalizedName("battery").setCreativeTab(BluTab); NetworkRegistry.instance().registerGuiHandler(this, guihandler); GameRegistry.registerTileEntity(TileEntitySolarPanel.class, "TileEntitySolarPanel"); GameRegistry.registerTileEntity(TileEntityBluFurnace.class, "TileEntityBluFurnace"); LanguageRegistry.instance().addStringLocalization("itemGroup.BluTab", "en_US", "Project Blu"); LanguageRegistry.addName(BluFurnaceIdle, "Blulectric Furnace"); LanguageRegistry.addName(BluFurnaceLit, ""); LanguageRegistry.addName(BluAlloyFurnaceIdle, "Blulectric Alloy Furnace"); LanguageRegistry.addName(BluAlloyFurnaceLit, ""); LanguageRegistry.addName(BluMotor, "Blulectric Motor"); LanguageRegistry.addName(BluSilicon, "Blue Doped Wafer"); LanguageRegistry.addName(BluIngot, "Blue Alloy Ingot"); LanguageRegistry.addName(CopperCoil, "Copper Coil"); LanguageRegistry.addName(SolarPanel, "Solar Panel"); LanguageRegistry.addName(Battery, "RT Battery"); LanguageRegistry.addName(Nikolite, "Nikolite"); LanguageRegistry.addName(CopperIngot, "Copper Ingot"); LanguageRegistry.addName(TinIngot, "Tin Ingot"); LanguageRegistry.addName(SilverIngot, "Silver Ingot"); LanguageRegistry.addName(BrassIngot, "Brass Ingot"); //LanguageRegistry.addName(BatteryBox, "Battery Box"); //LanguageRegistry.addName(AlloyWire, "Blue Alloy Wire"); //LanguageRegistry.addName(VoltMeter, "Voltmeter"); //LanguageRegistry.addName(VoltageTransformer, "Voltage Transformer"); //LanguageRegistry.addName(Thermopile, "ThermoPile"); //LanguageRegistry.addName(ChargingBench, "Charging Bench"); //LanguageRegistry.addName(kv_10_Wire, "10kV Wire"); //LanguageRegistry.addName(MV_1_Wire, "1MV Wire"); //LanguageRegistry.addName(BluJacketedWire, "Jacketed Bluewire"); [b] proxy.registerRenderers(); [/b] GameRegistry.registerBlock(BluFurnaceIdle, "Furnace.BluFurnaceIdle"); GameRegistry.registerBlock(BluFurnaceLit, "Furnace.BluFurnaceLit"); GameRegistry.registerBlock(BluAlloyFurnaceIdle, "Furnace.BluAlloyFurnaceIdle"); GameRegistry.registerBlock(BluAlloyFurnaceLit, "Furnace.BluAlloyFurnaceLit"); GameRegistry.registerBlock(SolarPanel, "Panel.SolarPanel"); ItemStack coil = new ItemStack(CopperCoil); ItemStack iron = new ItemStack(Item.ingotIron); ItemStack bai = new ItemStack(BluIngot); ItemStack clay = new ItemStack(Block.blockClay); ItemStack brick = new ItemStack(Block.brick); ItemStack bdw = new ItemStack(BluSilicon); ItemStack cop = new ItemStack(CopperIngot); ItemStack tin = new ItemStack(TinIngot); ItemStack nik = new ItemStack(Nikolite); ItemStack wood = new ItemStack(Block.planks); ItemStack bat = new ItemStack(Battery); ItemStack obs = new ItemStack(Block.obsidian); ItemStack chest = new ItemStack(Block.chest); ItemStack wool = new ItemStack(Block.cloth); GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack (BluMotor), "ici", "ici", "ibi", 'i', iron, 'c', coil, 'b', bai); GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack (BluFurnaceIdle), "ccc", "c c", "ibi", 'i', iron, 'c', clay, 'b', bai); GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack (BluAlloyFurnaceIdle), "ccc", "c c", "ibi", 'i', iron, 'c', brick, 'b', bai); GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack (SolarPanel), "bbb", "bib", "bbb", 'i', bai, 'b', bdw); GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack (Battery), "ncn", "ntn", "ncn", 'n', nik, 'c', cop, 't', tin); /*GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack (AlloyWire), "wbw", "wbw", "wbw", 'w', wool, 'b', bai); */ /*GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack (BatteryBox), "bwb", "bib", "iai", 'b', bat, 'w', wood, 'i', iron, 'a', bai);*/ /*GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack (VoltMeter), "www", "wnw", "ccc", 'w', wood, 'n', nik, 'c', cop); */ /*GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack (VoltageTransformer), "iii", "cic", "bib", 'i', iron, 'c', coil, 'b', bai); */ /*GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack (Thermopile), "cic", "sbs", "cic", 'i', iron, 'c', cop, 's', bdw); */ /*GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack (ChargingBench), "oco", "bdb", "pap", 'o', obs, 'c', coil, 'b', bat, 'd', chest, 'p', wood, 'a', bai); */ /*GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack (BluJacketedWire), " b ", "sbs" " b " 's', stick, 'b', bai); */ /*GameRegistry.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(kv_10_Wire), new Object[]{ new ItemStack(Block.cloth), new ItemStack(AlloyWire) });*/ } public static CreativeTabs BluTab = new CreativeTabs("BluTab") { public ItemStack getIconItemStack() { return new ItemStack(BluFurnaceIdle, 1, 0); } }; }
  18. So I should put the code from clientproxy > commonproxy or delete the extends commonproxy
  19. Nope, not like the clientproxy one
  20. still doesn't render if you mean that
  21. Did that in this way: package assets.blutricity.client; import assets.blutricity.common.CommonProxy; import assets.blutricity.common.TileEntitySolarPanel; import assets.blutricity.common.TileEntitySolarPanelRenderer; import net.minecraftforge.client.MinecraftForgeClient; import cpw.mods.fml.client.registry.ClientRegistry; import cpw.mods.fml.client.registry.RenderingRegistry; public class ClientProxy extends CommonProxy { @Override public void registerRenderers() { System.out.println("HELLOOOOOO"); ClientRegistry.bindTileEntitySpecialRenderer(TileEntitySolarPanel.class, new TileEntitySolarPanelRenderer()); } } Main class: And it still doesn't render And in the console it still says the System.out.println("text");
  22. well, then there is a problem in clientproxy as you can see a few posts above
  23. And when it IS appearing there is a problem?
  24. Used the debugging 101 skill in the TileEntitySolarPanelRenderer, but there was no line. So that means that the problem is in there. But I can't figure out what the problem is
  25. Okay, so I did that. And it gave me this console error: Then I tried moving it into: @SidedProxy(clientSide = "assets.blutricity.client.ClientProxy", serverSide = "assets.blutricity.common.CommonProxy") public CommonProxy proxy; Which gave me (I believe) the exact same error: Then I tried making it static, which didn't give me an error BUT it did give me the System.out.println(line) in the console. So I checked in-game, but the model still didn't render. So there must be something wrong with the model, right?
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