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Everything posted by Nieue

  1. How did they do it there and does that still work in 1.6?
  2. What do you mean? Do I have to create a Amethyst in that if statement?
  3. Okay, so I tried that (with two of my own mods to test) and I got an error when trying to start minecraft with both installed at the same time. There are no ID conflicts Crash log: Where I put the line you gave me, the mod id is correct @PreInit public void PreInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent event) { if(Loader.isModLoaded("amethysttools")) { ItemStack ame = new ItemStack(Amethyst); ItemStack red = new ItemStack(Item.redstone); GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack (AmethystBullet, 4), " r", "aar", " r", 'a', ame, 'r', red); }
  4. okay thanks
  5. Okay, thanks. But where do I put this line? Because in Preinit it gives me errors, or should I make the modid a string?
  6. So, I don't need any api's? Just the mod ID?
  7. As I stated above, just check that thread. It worked for me
  8. Hello, I want to be able to make my mod so that IF for example buildcraft/ic2 is installed alongside my mod that new items and recipes show up in my mod. For example, if my mod were to add loads of pickaxes but I didn't add tin into the mod, if I also installed ic2 there would be a new item called a tin pickaxe and a recipe for it. How would I go about doing this?
  9. If this is 1.6.2, I had this problem too, but it is fixed now. Just take a look at this thread: http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php?topic=10360
  10. That worked, but I had to put .png after _1/_2
  11. Nope, still the same as before
  12. Hello, I have updated my mod(s) to 1.6.2 and did the "mods > assets" thing. But the only thing that doesn't render correctly is the armor. These are my codes: Mainclass Armor class Commonproxy: Thanks already
  13. PullRequest. But if you don't know that I doubt that you have enough knowledge about this stuff to submit a PR that is good enough to be accepted. Nothing against you, just my observation. That's probably right, couldn't you send one? That way it's more professional
  14. what's a PR, if I may ask?
  15. Hello, as you can see in the title I'd like to know how I would go about creating a custom horse armor type. I've checked in the code, but Mojang 'hid' the horse armor in fields. And I don't know how to work out stuff with those. Has anybody found a way to create a custom horse armor yet? If so, how do you do it?
  16. Yes. You do need a model field (public final ModelWhatever model = new ModelWhatever(), which the tutorial, for some reason, fails to provide. So now I have this: And there is an error on public final mods.Millarki.models.AltarModel model = new mods.Millarki.models.AltarModel(); The error fix = Syntax error on token ';', invalid AssignmentOperator And I've tried to fix the error, but it keeps giving me another error.
  17. I followed this (http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Custom_Tile_Entity_Renderer) tutorial, and I got an error when putting in the last line in my renderer class: error on this.model.render...... error quick fix = Create field 'model' in this class & create constant 'model' in this class Probably a very nooblike fault of me. But I don't know how to fix it
  18. Okay, so I did that. And I had to change a few things in the main mod file: Changed this: public final static Block MillarkiAltar = new MillarkiAltar(BLOCK_ID); To: public final static mods.Millarki.common.MillarkiAltar MillarkiAltar = new MillarkiAltar(); And when I try to run the game it crashes Console log:
  19. So, delete the block class and...?
  20. How? Is this tutorial correct? -> http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Custom_Tile_Entity_Renderer
  21. What should I do with it then? Convert it manually, find a converter (which I doubt you'll be able to do), or find another program that makes wavefront files. Or just use it as a normal renderer. Why do you need a Wavefront renderer? I just copied the code from the tutorial and edited it to my codes. I can however make the model into a .java but I've tried that with this and it didn't work. "It doesn't work." Then we can fix it. Describe how it doesn't work. But it's going to work even less if you try it like this. Okay, so I put in the model.java and edited the model code so it doesn't say .obj anymore instead it says .java. And I get this error on startup: Model.java file:
  22. What should I do with it then? Convert it manually, find a converter (which I doubt you'll be able to do), or find another program that makes wavefront files. Or just use it as a normal renderer. Why do you need a Wavefront renderer? I just copied the code from the tutorial and edited it to my codes. I can however make the model into a .java but I've tried that with this and it didn't work.
  23. What should I do with it then?
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