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Everything posted by Paint_Ninja

  1. This is the Forge forums. We do not support Fabric here. Read the FAQ before posting.
  2. Spigot plugins and Forge mods are entirely different things. According to that tool, a modpack with 200 mods with no players online needs about 24GB of RAM to run, which is waaay out of the ballpark of reality. Worst case scenario you get bad performance allocating that much RAM to the game, best case you waste money and resources that could've been better spent on CPU. Vanilla 1.20 does not need "at least 4GB" to run well. It can run fine on half that. Please don't bump a year old post with an advert for something poorly researched.
  3. We need a link to your crash report, as explained in the FAQ
  4. Please do not dump crash logs directly into your post. Share a link to it on https://paste.ee instead
  5. We need a link to your crash report, as explained in the FAQ
  6. We need a link to your crash report, as explained in the FAQ
  7. Try updating to GML 1.2.1: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/gml/files/3995305
  8. Your post caused the anti-spam to trigger, causing slow support. Please share a link to your crash report, as explained in the FAQ.
  9. Your post caused the anti-spam to trigger, causing slow support. Please share a link to your crash report, as explained in the FAQ.
  10. Please share a link to your crash report or debug.log on paste.ee, as explained in the FAQ. Do not dump it directly in the forum
  11. https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/125488-rules-and-frequently-asked-questions-faq/#comment-541436:~:text=How do I update my drivers%3F
  12. Read the FAQ before posting. It has guides on where to find your crash report and debug.log and how to share the link to it
  13. 1) Run a memtest 2) Make sure your CPU isn't overclocked 3) Make sure you've setup DOCP/AMP/XMP/EXPO properly for your ram. Just increasing the frequency without changing anything else will cause instability
  14. You've posted in the buildscript/Gradle support forum but you appear to be asking about rendering code. I've moved your post accordingly.
  15. You posted in the buildscript support channel but you appear to be asking a mod code question. I've moved your post accordingly.
  16. Please read the FAQ before posting. We need your crash report
  17. Cheats are not allowed here
  18. That crash report doesn't seem to come from Forge. Have you installed the Forge server? Please don't dump crash reports directly in the forums. Share a link to them on paste.ee instead, as explained in the FAQ.
  19. Please share more detailed steps on how to reproduce this and we'll look into fixing it. I tried putting a music disc in and it didn't loop.
  20. Please read the FAQ before posting. Do not dump the log directly on the thread as it often triggers anti-spam measures, resulting in slow support. Arclight and other Forge forks aren't supported here. Contact Arclight for help with crashes with their software.
  21. The mod dev plugin for intellij is unofficial. The forge templates it spits out are sadly often incomplete, outdated or broken. To start making a forge mod, we recommend using the latest MDK from the files site for the version of MC you want to mod. You extract that zip and open it in IntelliJ. 1.8.9 is extremely old. New IDEs won't work with it - you need a similarly old IDE. If you're modding 1.8.9 purely because you want legacy spam click combat, consider the SpammyCombat mod for modern MC and mod modern MC instead.
  22. Oculus is broken. Check for updates for it or remove it
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