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Everything posted by larsgerrits

  1. You should probably use version .964, as that is for minecraft 1.6.4 and uses ForgeGradle as that's the way to go in the future.
  2. Then you need to make a custom CraftingHandler to make check if four different items are in the crafting grid.
  3. In your TileResourceLocation, you have the addModel method. In there you return a ResourceLocation. You need to put in the modid of your mod in to, so in your case it is: return new ResourceLocation(YOUR_MOD_ID, modelPrefix + text+".png");
  4. Look in the block class for the method 'shouldSideBeRendered()' and overridetat method to return false. That way the block doesn't render the icon in the world, but it is in the inventory.
  5. Do you want to add a icon so that the particles are correct, or do you actually want it to render the icon at the side of the block?
  6. Make a shapeless recipe with the four items.
  7. Do you have a GuiHandler? If not, you need one, and you need to register it so it can actually be called.
  8. In the world generator where you generate the tree, you can use World.getBiomeGenForCoords to get the BiomeGenBase of that coords, and if you compare that to the biome you want it to generate in, generate it, else don't.
  9. Then you'll have to call the 'gradlew build' in the command line, so the mod actually properly reobfuscates.
  10. In your update method, you are trying to get the controller using the controllerId which is one if it isn't initialized, so if the entity with entityID 0 doesn't exists, it crashes.
  11. You haven't reobfuscated your mod properly. What Forge/Minecraft version are you using?
  12. In the registerIcons method, you need to change the second topIcon array to an actual array using topIcon = ***;
  13. Energy is just a variable in code, so you need to have a method that add power to the block next to it, and that block must do the same, until you hit a machine and add the power in there.
  14. Can you link those tutorials?
  15. When i run 'gradlew setupDecompWorkspace' in the command line, i got the same error:
  16. http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/2571061-forge-rendering-an-item-on-your-block/
  17. You need to send packets to get server data on the client and vice versa.
  18. What minecraft version are you using? If you using 1.7.x, you need to register the item with GameRegistry.registerItem().
  19. Fixed it! I checked if the multiblock structure i correct, and if so, reset. I needed to check if the multiblock structure is NOT correct, and then reset. I always hated that sort minor mistakes that makes your whole thing not work.
  20. It's in the Minecraft project, you should see it as 'Referenced Libraries' and then the first one in the list: 'forgeSrc-*******'.
  21. In 1.7.2, @ForgeSubscribe has changed into @SubscribeEvent. Then you need to register the class where the method in is, in the proper event bus.
  22. I kinda get what i mean. If i place my structure right on world spawn (61,1835), i crashes if iright click on the block, because there's no block of that type at the coordinates 0,0,0. But if i actualle place a block of that type at 0,0,0, it opens the same gui on every block of the multiblock structure. So the only problem is the coordinate system, as why they aren't set to the current coords.
  23. After some more debugging, i found out that if i place this line to the onBlockActivated method in my block class: System.out.println(tileentity.getMasterX() + ":" + tileentity.getMasterY() + ":" + tileentity.getMasterZ()); it prints this to the console: 0:0:0, so the master isn't actually set anywhere, but i don't know why.
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