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Everything posted by larsgerrits

  1. Wait, you are making 365 different items? Why not use metadata?
  2. Define "does not work anymore".
  3. Well, there's your problem. 1.7.10 isn't supported on this forum anymore. Come back when you have updated.
  4. Your ToolMaterial has an ordinal of 5 or greater, resulting in an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when trying to get the attack damage from the array. To get around this, use the constructor with 2 floats extra, representing the damageVsEntity and attackSpeed .
  5. There's your problem. Description of Modder Support:
  6. Every mod gets it's own folder. If you want to make make 2 mods, you have 2 folders with each a build.gradle file in them. Then if you ran the gradlew eclipse , you can go to Eclipse and do File -> Import -> General -> Existing Projects into Workspace -> Browse -> Select folder with second mod -> Finish.
  7. I see you called your TileEntity TEOre. Is this ore in the sense that you will have world-gen for it? If that's the case, it might not be the best idea to use TileEntities and TESRs .
  8. From memory: It is the type of NBTTag inside the NBTTagList . 10 stands for NBTTagCompound .
  9. No. This is an english forum. Everyone else is talking english on this forum, and so should you, or else your thread will get locked. Since a recent update, generics are supported and List should become List<String> .
  10. Yes, it is laziness. You shouldn't rely on other mods, unless you are making an addon for that mod.
  11. You can do that by setting the "shade" property of each model element to false.
  12. As a general rule for more "advanced" stuff, look at something similar already in Minecraft, and work from there. And if you need a tutorial for it, you shouldn't be making it.
  13. This topic has been moved to General Discussion. [iurl]http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php?topic=41234.0[/iurl]
  14. Why would we? Funky Locomotion has an API which you can use to stop making it move. For pistons, set the mobility flag of the block state to EnumPushReaction.BLOCK .
  15. Always develop for the latest version available. There is no reason to stay behind on older versions.
  16. Something doesn't 'just stop working'. Seems pretty obvious to me what happened. You tell Gradle to look for a file, which it can't find.
  17. He is looking at the Item class, but he has the wrong method signature. @MCrafterzz: the method signature you need is Item#rayTrace(World,EntityPlayer,Boolean) .
  18. This topic has been moved to Support & Bug Reports. [iurl]http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php?topic=40745.0[/iurl]
  19. This topic has been moved to Support & Bug Reports. [iurl]http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php?topic=40747.0[/iurl]
  20. You first have to make sure that you understand the code. Do you? To make sure, refactor your code and post the updated code.
  21. What are your issues?
  22. Look at GuiContainerCreative#drawTab and GuiScrollingList . Dropdown lists are not in Minecraft right now I think, o you might have to add that yourself.
  23. Yes, it's called Minecraft... It has classes like GuiButton and GuiCheckBox . You can use those in your own GUI instead of making your own. There is also a library for Minecraft which you can use. It's called Forge... It adds a simpler way of opening your GUIs, as well as a lot of other utilities which you can use to make your modding life easier. Seriously now, what do you want more?
  24. What do you exactly want to do with that texture? Which block in IC2 does that, so we know what you want?
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