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Everything posted by larsgerrits

  1. Okay that makes sense, I can do packets, but are you saying I need the open the gui on the server side? If thats what you mean, I can figure it out from here. Either way, thank you! Yes, every GuiContainer has to be openen server-side.
  2. Show what you have tried. Also, without payment, nobody is gonna write code for you because you can't code it yourself. And from this topic alone I can tell you that you do not know enough Java to mod Minecraft. So learn Java, and then come back to modding.
  3. Also: super(new ContainerPseudoPlayer(Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer.inventory, player)); You already have an EntityPlayer available, why not use that inventory instead of client-side inventory?
  4. For your username add --username [your username] to uour run configs, and the same for password.
  5. Do you have some kind of habit to make everything static? Don't, it's a bad habit! Please learn what static means.
  6. Show your mod code. Is this your first run since the start? If you have ran it before, what was changed since the last succesfull run?
  7. *sigh* You need to match them, not swap them...
  8. itemLeafDetonator = new ItemLeafDetonator().setUnlocalizedName("[b]i[/b]temLeafDetonator").setTextureName("tfm:itemLeafDetonator").setCreativeTab(tabTerraformingMod); item.[b]I[/b]temLeafDetonator.name=Leaf Detonator
  9. Override the getDrops() method, it givs you full control over the drops and gains you access the the World and the BlockPos.
  10. Use GradleStart as your main class.
  11. Looking at the code from WorldGenMinable, I don't think you can specify a metadate block as the replacable block. You'd have to make a copy of WorldGenMinable make it however you want.
  12. Show your code.
  13. It has to do with your graphics card/driver. I don't know what or why, as I never had the issue myself.
  14. http://bfy.tw/ZqF
  15. There is currently being worked on a Wavefront loader. For the mean time, you can try to convert the Wavefront loader from 1.7.10 to 1.8, or you'd have to convert the model to B3D, as there is a B3D loader in Forge.
  16. You are trying to compare an Item to an ItemStack (hence the error). You have to check the Item first ( ItemStack#getItem() == Items.coal ), and then the metadata ( ItemStack#getItemDamage() == 1). PS, I think ItemStack#getItemDamage() is called ItemStack#getMetadata() in MC 1.8.
  17. Did you open the Gui and Container on the client or server side?
  18. Surround the text you want to have unformatted with the [nobbc][nobbc][/nobbc][/nobbc] tags. Surround the text you want in a spoiler using the [nobbc] [/nobbc] tags. Define "not working". What is happening currently and what do you expect to happen?
  19. You are doing amost everything wrong: - You have to make static instances of the class, not make a new instance everytime. - You need to register those static instances using GameRegistry.registerItem() . - Reference your static Item instances directly, not using GameRegistry.findItem( . - Register your recipes after Item and Block initialization. - Your Items and Blocks have to be registered in the FMLPreInitializationEvent , not the FMLInitializationEvent . - You have to setup proxies and register your item renderers in the client proxy. - Use a proper mod-id and mod name. - Don't reference client-only classes in shared code, but do it in a client-only environment, eg. the client proxy.
  20. Seriously? 2 topics about the exact issue in less then 2 hours. This on will be closed.
  21. @Jedispencer21 because that's horrible to read.
  22. You need to have CodeChickenCore to make NEI work.
  23. You'd don't check if the metadata of the block is equal to the side in one of your getIcon methods.
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