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Everything posted by larsgerrits

  1. Caused by: java.io.FileNotFoundException: snm:models/ballmodel.obj Looking helps
  2. You really have a lack of programming knowledge. This has nothing to do with Java, but programming in general. If you need new arguments in a method you created, you modify the method to support those new arguments. Is your code after all.
  3. Is the Init method in ClientProxy called?
  4. http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,21354.0.html 3rd paragraph.
  5. Issues with the Container are caused because the server doesn't know it the Container is open. Guis with Containers always have to be opened on the server side.
  6. [lmgtfy=java tutorial]First link[/lmgtfy]
  7. Mod ID has to be all lower-case.
  8. Use the onItemRightClick method (may or may not be the right name, not at my workspace atm) and change the state from the Item in there. Remember: you have to store the state in the ItemStack's NBT.
  9. 1) Why do you implement IInventory when you always return null in getStackInSlot ? 2) If ThermalDynamics is doing things only server side, it might be because server<->client desynch. Try marking the block for update after the extractEnergy method.
  10. Show your TileEntity code.
  11. You shouldn't have to 'push' energy to the Fluxducts. Let the Fluxducts do the work of 'pushing' and 'pulling' energy to and from your TileEntity.
  12. It makes no difference. But it is a varargs parameter, so why use the Object[]?
  13. You have to set the position before you spawn it.
  14. Code would be nice, like the method you use to spawn the entity.
  15. Tell the Cauldron makers to upgrade to a later forge version.
  16. No, you add to the original BlockPos twice. You can just use the BlockPos parameter, and use the up(),down(),north(),etc. methods to add/subtract one.
  17. To have the glass rendered properly, you'd have to re-add the getBlockLayer() method to return the same EnumWorldBlockLayer as the glass block.
  18. Override isOpaqueBlock in your block class to return false.
  19. That shouldn't even compile. That field doesn't exist anymore. The method requires an Item as the result, so just returning the Item will work. Also, please rename the parameters to something readable, it will make everyone's life better.
  20. This topic has been moved to Support & Bug Reports. [iurl]http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php?topic=30433.0[/iurl]
  21. 17.05 05:10:59 [server] main/INFO [sTDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:748]: Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: codechicken.lib.asm.ASMInit It seems like CodeChickenLib isn't there. Do you have CodeChickenCore?
  22. You can get the using blockPositionX & 15 , the same for Z;
  23. Use gradlew build to build your mod.
  24. You do not need to calculate chunkY, as a chunk is from y=0 to y=255.
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